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[英]Decimals of a string calculation

I have this javascript code for a quiz programme but i can't figure out how to return the calculation result of the last context line with only 1 decimal. 我有一个用于测验程序的javascript代码,但是我不知道如何仅用1个小数返回最后一个上下文行的计算结果。 Any suggestions ? 有什么建议么 ?

                  context.drawImage(quizbg, 0,0,550,90,0,0,550,400);
                  context.font = "20pt Georgia,Arial";
                  context.fillText("Thanks for finishing. ",20,80);
          context.fillText("This is how good you were:",20,120);
                  context.font = "16pt Georgia,Calibri,Arial";
                  context.fillText("Correct answers: "+String(rightanswers)+" of "+String(rightanswers+wronganswers),20,180);

          context.fillText("Correct: "+String(rightanswers/(wronganswers+rightanswers)*100)+"%",20,240);1

Directly from W3schools: 直接来自W3schools:

Convert a number into a string, keeping only two decimals: 将数字转换为字符串,仅保留两个小数:

var num = 5.56789;
var n=num.toFixed(2);

The result of n will be: n的结果将是:

5.57 5.57

the rest is left as an exercise for the reader :-) 其余的留给读者练习:-)

Here is a functional function that can truncate decimals: 这是一个可以截断小数的功能函数:

truncateDecimal = function(decimal, numDecimals) {
    var decString = ""+decimal;
    var dotIndex = decString.indexOf(".");
    var numChars = dotIndex + 1 + numDecimals;
    return parseFloat(decString.substring(0, numChars));

Now truncateDecimal(3010101.234, 1); 现在truncateDecimal(3010101.234, 1); returns 3010101.2 . 返回3010101.2

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