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[英]user management framework for app engine python?

Here are a few user management frameworks I've read about: 这是我已阅读的一些用户管理框架:

  • GAE Sessions GAE会议

  • Flask Login 烧瓶登录

  • gae-init (uses Flask) gae-init(使用Flask)

  • Beaker 烧杯

  • GAE Utilities GAE实用程序

  • gmemsess me

  • suas Suas

Is there a library that is widely adopted in the python app engine community? python应用程序引擎社区中是否广泛使用了一个库?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Edit: I should be more specific about what I am looking for. 编辑:我应该更具体我想要什么。 I am looking for a framework that will handle user registration, login, password reset, sticky sessions, custom fields for users, takes advantage of memcache for faster session lookup, and of course do all of this securely and simply. 我正在寻找一个框架来处理用户注册,登录,密码重置,粘性会话,用户的自定义字段,利用内存缓存来加快会话查找的速度,当然可以安全,简单地完成所有这些工作。

I'd like to be able to specify my user model, and have an api such as: 我希望能够指定我的用户模型,并具有以下api:

// If this decorator fails, this function will return some value to signify the user is not logged in.
def some_func(user):
    // Get the user model data.
    name = user.name
    // etc.

// To return a session key to the application (ios, android, webapp, etc) for a sticky session.
def login(user):
    return user_management_api.get_session_key()

def register():

def reset_user_password():

The libraries we use for Google App Engine are webapp2 , jinja2 , WTForms , and babel for localization. 我们用于Google App Engine的库是用于本地化的webapp2jinja2WTFormsbabel Some frameworks just bundle these components and call it a framework, then I think it's better to take the components right aways and make your own framework since flask for instance mostly just combines these components to make its framework. 有些框架只是将这些组件捆绑在一起并称为一个框架,然后我认为最好立即使用这些组件并创建自己的框架,因为例如flask大多只是将这些组件组合在一起就构成了框架。

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