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[英]Difference between these two functions

While reading "Javascript the Good Parts", came across this bit of code in the "module" chapter. 在阅读“ Javascript the Good Parts”时,在“模块”一章中遇到了这段代码。

var serial_maker = function (  ) {

            // Produce an object that produces unique strings. A
            // unique string is made up of two parts: a prefix
            // and a sequence number. The object comes with
            // methods for setting the prefix and sequence
            // number, and a gensym method that produces unique
            // strings.

                var prefix = '';
                var seq = 0;

                return {
                    set_prefix: function (p) {
                        prefix = String(p);
                    set_seq: function (s) {
                        seq = s;
                    gensym: function ( ) {
                        var result = prefix + seq;

                        seq += 1;
                        return result;
var seqer = serial_maker( );
var unique = seqer.gensym( ); // unique is "Q1000

My question is: whats the difference between the above and this bit here: 我的问题是:以上内容与此处的区别是什么?

var other_serial_maker = function(pre, num){

        return pre + num;


    var makeSerial = other_serial_maker("Q", 1000);

If you only objective to to generate the string Q1000 then no difference, but that's not the point. 如果您仅打算生成字符串Q1000则没有区别,但这不是重点。 The example from the book is using a closure so that the prefix and seq parts are private and only accessible from within the function. 书中的示例使用闭包,因此prefixseq部分是私有的,只能从函数内部访问。

So the idea is, you can do this: 因此,您可以执行以下操作:

 var unique = seqer.gensym( ); // unique is "Q1000"

And then you can do this 然后你可以做到这一点

 var anotherUnique = seqer.gensym( ); // unique is "Q1001"

Because the serial_maker keeps track of it's own state, which your code does not. 因为serial_maker会跟踪其自身的状态,所以您的代码不会。 If we use the code from the book, then after setting up the serial_maker we could call .gensym as many times as we wanted and get a different result. 如果我们使用本书中的代码,那么在设置serial_maker我们可以根据需要多次调用.gensym并获得不同的结果。 With your code, you'd need to somehow keep track of which codes you've used already. 使用您的代码,您需要以某种方式跟踪已使用的代码。

The main difference is that the outer function scope contains a declaration of prefix and seq , so they are contained in a closure that will follow the seqer object around. 主要区别在于外部function范围包含prefixseq的声明,因此它们包含在将跟随seqer对象的闭包中。

In other words, the example from the book returns an object with a state whereas your example is a plain function (that doesn't use any state). 换句话说,本书中的示例返回一个带有状态的对象,而您的示例是一个普通函数(不使用任何状态)。

The point of serial_maker is that it stores state in seq for each serial maker that ensures any one won't produce duplicates. serial_maker的要点在于,它为每个串行制造者将状态存储在seq中,以确保任何人都不会产生重复。 Provided the prefixes are distinct, there won't be duplicates across the serial makers either. 如果前缀是不同的,那么序列制造商之间也不会重复。

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