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[英]JQuery: Checking / Unchecking Radio Buttons

I trying to figure out the error in my script and am hoping somebody is able to tell me where I am going wrong. 我试图找出脚本中的错误,希望有人能够告诉我我要去哪里。 It is an attempt to create a quiz based on JS/Jquery (the javascriptissexy exercises). 尝试基于JS / Jquery(javascriptissexy练习)创建测验。

So far it is working fine, except: I want to use a back button that recalls the previous answers given by the user and sets the radio buttons accordingly. 到目前为止,它工作正常,但以下情况除外:我想使用后退按钮,该按钮可以调出用户先前给出的答案并相应地设置单选按钮。 The script doesn't go back and even if I click forward it gives me no errors that would help me to pinpoint the problem. 该脚本不会返回,即使我单击前进,它也不会给我带来任何错误,可以帮助我查明问题。

Again I am really sorry that I can not narrow it more down because I really don't know which parts are relevant/not relevant. 再次抱歉,我无法进一步缩小范围,因为我真的不知道哪些部分相关/不相关。 If anyone has some suggestions how to present those "I'm close to giving up because I don't know how to pinpoint the issue" problems in a better way I would be happy to do so. 如果有人对如何提出“我将要放弃,因为我不知道如何查明问题”提出建议,我会很乐意这样做。

The HTML radio buttons are all structured like this: HTML单选按钮的结构如下:

 <input type="radio" name="radio" id="Option0" value="Option0" />
 <label for ="Option0">Option0</label>

The JS/Jquery: JS / Jquery:

 $(document).ready(function () {
 var allQuestions = [
    {question: "Who is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?",
        choices: ["David Cameron", "Gordon Brown", "Winston Churchill", "Tony Blair"],
        correctAnswer: 0},
    {question: "Which color has the sky?",
        choices: ["Grey", "Black", "Blue", "Green"],
        correctAnswer: 2},
    {question: "What's on the chain?",
        choices: ["Monster", "Magician", "Bull", "Skull"],
        correctAnswer: 3}

var counter = 0;     // Question No currently processed
var points = 0;        // Total points currently reached by the player
var answers = new Array(); // Array of the choices the player made  eg Q1:0

// Back button in a function
function back() {
    if (counter > 0)          //Checks if there is at least one question already answered
        //Goes back one question

        $("#back").show().on('click', function () {
            counter = counter--;
        });      //Executes quiz loading

    else {
        $("#back").hide();         //If there is no previous question existing the back button is deactivated

function qload(counter) {
    $("title").text("Question No ");
    for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions[counter].choices.length; i++) {
        $('label[for=Option' + i + ']').html(allQuestions[counter].choices[i]);

        if (answers["Q" + i]) {
            $("#Option" + i).attr("checked","checked");

        else {
            $("#Option" + i).removeAttr('checked');
//this is the result screen giving the final amount of points
function result() {
    $("title").text("Your Results");
    for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++) {
        if (allQuestions[i].correctAnswer == answers["Q" + i]) {

        $("#result").show().text("CONGRATULATIONS! You answered " + points + " out of " + allQuestions.length + " correct!");


function welcome() {
    // this is the welcome screen inviting to start the quizz
    $("title").text("Welcome to the JQuery QuizY");
    $("#result").append().html("<p id='start'>Start</p>");
    $("#start").on('click', function () {

function quiz() {
    $("#start, #result").hide();
    $("#next").on('click', function () {
        // this checks that one question is selected before processing
        if ($('#Option0').is(':checked')) {
            answers["Q" + counter] = 0;

        else if ($('#Option1').is(':checked')) {
            answers["Q" + counter] = 1;

        else if ($('#Option2').is(':checked')) {
            answers["Q" + counter] = 2;

        else if ($('#Option3').is(':checked')) {
            answers["Q" + counter] = 3;

        else {
            alert("Please make your selection before continuing!");

        // this checks if there are any questions left, otherwise it goes to the result screen
        if (allQuestions[counter]) {
        else {



1) You cannot refer to element of array by using a string as index (answers["Q" + i]). 1)您不能通过使用字符串作为索引来引用数组元素(answers [“ Q” + i])。 You have to either use number as array index, or use object instead of array. 您必须使用数字作为数组索引,或者使用对象而不是数组。

2) Don't use the .attr() method for modifying DOM properties such as the "checked". 2)不要使用.attr()方法来修改DOM属性,例如“ checked”。 Use the .prop() method instead. 请改用.prop()方法。 So you have to replace this snippet: 因此,您必须替换以下代码段:

if (answers["Q" + i]) {
    $("#Option" + i).attr("checked","checked");

else {
    $("#Option" + i).removeAttr('checked');

with the following: 具有以下内容:

$("#Option" + i).prop("checked", Boolean(answers["Q" + i]));

3) Your way of getting value of user's answer is very cumbersome yet strange. 3)您获得用户答案价值的方式非常麻烦而又奇怪。 This code: 这段代码:

    if ($('#Option0').is(':checked')) {
        answers["Q" + counter] = 0;

    else if ($('#Option1').is(':checked')) {
        answers["Q" + counter] = 1;

    else if ($('#Option2').is(':checked')) {
        answers["Q" + counter] = 2;

    else if ($('#Option3').is(':checked')) {
        answers["Q" + counter] = 3;

    else {
        alert("Please make your selection before continuing!");

may be replaced with the following: 可以替换为以下内容:

var oEl = $('input:radio[name=radio]:checked');
if (oEl.length) {
    answers[counter] = parseInt(oEl.val());
else {
    alert("Please make your selection before continuing!");

Also the following fix of html code of radio buttons is needed: 此外,还需要对单选按钮的html代码进行以下修复:

<input type="radio" name="radio" id="Option0" value="0" />
<label for ="Option0">Option0</label>

Plus some other changes... 加上其他更改...

So the total code update: 因此,总代码更新为:

$(document).ready(function () {
var allQuestions = [
    {question: "Who is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?",
        choices: ["David Cameron", "Gordon Brown", "Winston Churchill", "Tony Blair"],
        correctAnswer: 0},
    {question: "Which color has the sky?",
        choices: ["Grey", "Black", "Blue", "Green"],
        correctAnswer: 2},
    {question: "What's on the chain?",
        choices: ["Monster", "Magician", "Bull", "Skull"],
        correctAnswer: 3}

var counter = 0; // Question No. currently processed
var answers = new Array(); // Array of the choices the player made


// update Back button appearance
function updateBackBtn() {
    if (counter > 0)

// set current question
function qload(counter) {
    $("title").text("Question No ");
    for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions[counter].choices.length; i++) {
        $('label[for=Option' + i + ']').html(allQuestions[counter].choices[i]);

        $("#Option" + i).prop("checked", Boolean(answers[i]));

// this is the result screen giving the final amount of points
function result() {
    $("title").text("Your Results");
        var points = 0; // Total points currently reached by the player
    for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++) {
        if (allQuestions[i].correctAnswer == answers[i]) {
        $("#result").show().text("CONGRATULATIONS! You answered " + points + " out of " + allQuestions.length + " correct!");


function welcome() {
    // this is the welcome screen inviting to start the quizz
    $("title").text("Welcome to the JQuery QuizY");
    $("#result").append().html("<p id='start'>Start</p>");
    $("#start").on('click', function () {

function quiz() {
    $("#start, #result").hide();
    $("#next").on('click', function () {
        // get an input element containing selected option (answer)
        var oEl = $('input:radio[name=radio]:checked');
        // if such input element exists (any answer selected)
        if (oEl.length) {
            answers[counter] = parseInt(oEl.val());
        else {
            alert("Please make your selection before continuing!");

        // this checks if there are any questions left, otherwise it goes to the result screen
        if (counter < allQuestions.length) {
        else {



I have gone through the code and made few chagnes. 我遍历了代码,几乎没有遇到麻烦。

Please review below updated code. 请查看下面的更新代码。

$(document).ready(function () {
                var allQuestions = [
                    {question: "Who is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?",
                        choices: ["David Cameron", "Gordon Brown", "Winston Churchill", "Tony Blair"],
                        correctAnswer: 0},
                    {question: "Which color has the sky?",
                        choices: ["Grey", "Black", "Blue", "Green"],
                        correctAnswer: 2},
                    {question: "What's on the chain?",
                        choices: ["Monster", "Magician", "Bull", "Skull"],
                        correctAnswer: 3}

                var counter = 0;     // Question No currently processed
                var points = 0;        // Total points currently reached by the player
                var answers = new Array(); // Array of the choices the player made  eg Q1:0

                // Back button in a function
                function back() {
                    if (counter > 0)          //Checks if there is at least one question already answered
                    else {
                        $("#back").hide();         //If there is no previous question existing the back button is deactivated

                    counter = --counter;
                    quiz();//Executes quiz loading

                function qload(counter) {
                    $("#title").html("Question No "+counter);
                    for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions[counter].choices.length; i++) {
                        $('label[for=Option' + i + ']').html(allQuestions[counter].choices[i]);
                        if (answers["Q" + counter] == i) {
                            $("#Option" + i).prop('checked',true);

                        else {
                            $("#Option" + i).removeAttr('checked');

                //this is the result screen giving the final amount of points
                function result() {
                    $("#title").html("Your Results");
                    for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++) {
                        if (allQuestions[i].correctAnswer == answers["Q" + i]) {

                        $("#result").show().text("CONGRATULATIONS! You answered " + points + " out of " + allQuestions.length + " correct!");


                function welcome() {
                    // this is the welcome screen inviting to start the quizz
                    $("title").html("Welcome to the JQuery QuizY");
                    $("#result").append().html("<p id='start'>Start</p>");
                    $("#start").on('click', function () {

                function quiz() {
                    $("#start, #result").hide();
                $("#next").click(function () {
                    // this checks that one question is selected before processing
                    if ($('#Option0').is(':checked')) {
                        answers["Q" + counter] = 0;

                    else if ($('#Option1').is(':checked')) {
                        answers["Q" + counter] = 1;

                    else if ($('#Option2').is(':checked')) {
                        answers["Q" + counter] = 2;

                    else if ($('#Option3').is(':checked')) {
                        answers["Q" + counter] = 3;

                    else {
                        alert("Please make your selection before continuing!");

                    // this checks if there are any questions left, otherwise it goes to the result screen
                    if (allQuestions[counter]) {
                    else {



I have made above changes and tested it on my local and it worked. 我进行了上述更改,并在本地进行了测试,并且效果良好。

Please let me know if you face any issue. 如果您遇到任何问题,请告诉我。

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