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[英]python thread exception cause stop the process

in below code if i change one of the url to something invalid the whole process will stop and i couldn't exit form terminal using ctrl+c . 在下面的代码中,如果我将其中一个url更改为无效的内容,整个过程将停止,我无法使用ctrl + c退出表单终端。 so my question is how should i handle exception in my main thread run method and if an error happen trigger it and go to the next list element without fail the whole process: 所以我的问题是我应该如何处理我的主线程运行方法中的异常,如果发生错误触发它并且在没有失败的情况下转到下一个列表元素:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import Queue
import threading
import urllib2
import time

hosts = ["http://yahoo.com", "http://google.com", "http://amazon.com","http://apple.com"]

queue = Queue.Queue()

class ThreadUrl(threading.Thread):
    """Threaded Url Grab"""
    def __init__(self, queue):
        self.queue = queue

    def run(self):
        while True:
            #grabs host from queue
            host = self.queue.get()

            #grabs urls of hosts and prints first 1024 bytes of page
            url = urllib2.urlopen(host)
            print "connected"

            #signals to queue job is done

start = time.time()
def main():

    #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance 
    for i in range(5):
        t = ThreadUrl(queue)

    #populate queue with data
    for host in hosts:

    #wait on the queue until everything has been processed
print "Elapsed Time: %s" % (time.time() - start)

use a finally block to make sure the thread always signals even when there is an error. 使用finally块确保即使出现错误,线程也始终发出信号。

def run(self):
    while True:
        #grabs host from queue
        host = self.queue.get()

        #grabs urls of hosts and prints first 1024 bytes of page
            url = urllib2.urlopen(host)
            print "connected"
        except urllib2.URLError:
            print "couldn't connect to %s" % host

            #signals to queue job is done

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