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[英]Meteor execute system command synchronously

I've build a simple model in c++ which one I would like meteor to interact with. 我用c ++构建了一个简单的模型,我希望meteor与之交互。 Currently the model is run as a command line and everything is working pretty well but calling the command line is done asynchronously. 目前,该模型作为命令行运行,一切运行良好,但调用命令行是异步完成的。 The model is very fast and therefore I do not need the result to come in a callback, moreover involving callbacks in this process makes the meteor's DB access more complicated and this is something I would like to avoid. 该模型非常快,因此我不需要结果进行回调,而且在此过程中涉及回调使得流星的数据库访问更加复杂,这是我想要避免的。

So, we just come in the regular question : how to make something async sync in javascript… 所以,我们只是进入常规问题:如何在javascript中制作异步同步...

I know that this has been discussed using node, this topic is answered here already: node.js execute system command synchronously 我知道这已经使用节点进行了讨论,这个主题已在这里得到解答: node.js同步执行系统命令

This say, how to actually do/setup this within meteor ? 这就是说,如何在流星内实际/设置这个?

We should install the packages using npm but as Meteor changed it's distribution system what is then the way to let it handle the npm packages by itself ? 我们应该使用npm安装软件包,但是当Meteor改变它的分发系统时,它是什么让它自己处理npm软件包? Take a look here to see what I'm talking about, I have not been able to find any relevant information about this package.js 看看这里 ,看看我说的是,我一直没能找到有关这个package.js任何相关信息

In order to avoid installing external packages, I thought about using Fibers , which is internally used by meteor, but still: Do someone have an example on how to encapsulate an async call with it ? 为了避免安装外部软件包,我考虑使用由meteor内部使用的Fibers ,但仍然:有人有一个关于如何用它封装异步调用的例子吗? Last but not least, the Fibers developers almost advise us not to directly code with Fiber but to use some other sub tool using it already… why not but I'm back to the question on how to include npm packages 最后但并非最不重要的是,Fibers开发人员几乎建议我们不要直接使用Fiber进行编码,而是使用其他已经使用过的子工具...为什么不呢,但我回到了关于如何包含npm包的问题

my code looks like this (a little bit simplified): 我的代码看起来像这样(有点简化):

function callToEngine(argument, callback)
               var result = null;
               var modelPath = "/some/where"

               var require = Npm.require;
               var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
               var model = spawn(modelPath, []);
               var answerBuffer = "";

               engine.stdin.end(); //flush

                engine.stdout.on('data', function(data)

                engine.stderr.on('data', function(data)
                    console.log('stderr: ' + data);

                engine.on('close', function(code)
                    result = JSON.parse(answerBuffer);
                    console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);

I would like to have something like: 我希望有类似的东西:

var result = callToEngine(argument);

You could use a future: 你可以使用未来:

function callToEngine(argument) {
    var Future = Npm.require('fibers/future');

    var fut = new Future();

    ///do stuff

    engine.on('close', function(code)
                result = JSON.parse(answerBuffer);
                console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);

    return fut.wait();

Then simply use: 然后简单地使用:

var result = callToEngine(argument);

The future will ensure that return will only return something when fut.return is run 未来将确保返回只会在fut.return运行时返回一些东西

More info on other designs at the Meteor Async Guide : https://gist.github.com/possibilities/3443021 有关Meteor异步指南中其他设计的更多信息: https//gist.github.com/possibilities/3443021

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