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runco​​mmand不是casbah mongocolection的成员

[英]runcommand is not a memeber of casbah mongocolection

db.foo.insert( { _id: 1 , desc: "the dog is running" } )
db.foo.insert( { _id: 2 , desc: "the cat is walking" } )
db.foo.ensureIndex( { "desc": "text" } )
db.foo.runCommand( "text", { search : "walk" } )

This is run in mongo 这是在mongo中运行

How can i run in the same in scala using casbah Thanks 我如何使用casbah在scala中以相同方式运行

import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._

// Connect to MongoDB
val conn = MongoClient()
val adminDB = conn("admin")

// Turn on textSearchEnabled
adminDB.command(MongoDBObject("setParameter" -> 1, "textSearchEnabled" -> 1))

// Add some sample data to the text db, foo collection
val coll = conn("text")("foo")
coll.save(MongoDbObject( "_id" -> 1 , "desc" -> "the dog is running"))
coll.save(MongoDbObject( "_id" -> 2 , "desc" -> "the cat is walking"))

// Add a text index
coll.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("body" -> "desc"))

// Search for walk
coll.db.command(MongoDBObject("text" -> "foo", "search" -> "walk"))

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