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[英]ISTool problems

how can i set via ISTool these things: 我如何通过IST​​ool设置这些东西:

  • How can i set instalation path based on 64/32 system? 如何设置基于64/32系统的安装路径? I would like to see, that setup will use right instalation path if user have 32/64 system. 我想看到,如果用户使用32/64系统,该安装程序将使用正确的安装路径。

  • I want, that setup will create specific registry key where will be instalation path based on user instalation folder. 我想要,该安装程序将创建特定的注册表项,该注册表项将是基于用户安装文件夹的安装路径。 User can change folder but I do not how to create dynamic registry key. 用户可以更改文件夹,但我不创建动态注册表项。 I can create fix registry key that will write what I want. 我可以创建将写我想要的内容的修复注册表项。

Example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2]

I want that, InstallPath that will be based od user decision. 我想要,这将基于od用户决定。 Thx for help. 谢谢。

Your [Registry] section would look like this: 您的[Registry]部分如下所示:

Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "ShortcutProgramMenu"; ValueData: "Installed";
Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "Language"; ValueData: "en_UK";
Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "Speech"; ValueData: "en_UK";
Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "MovieTrack"; ValueData: "5";
Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "CurrentVersion"; ValueData: "";
Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "InstallPath"; ValueData: "{app}\";
Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: dword; ValueName: "LastUpdateCheck"; ValueData: "$000b3872";
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "Language"; ValueData: "en_UK";
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "Speech"; ValueData: "en_UK";
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "MovieTrack"; ValueData: "5";
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "InstallPath"; ValueData: "{app}\";
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "CurrentVersion"; ValueData: "";

In this case if you will install application on 64bit system, you will find your HKLM keys in Wow6432Node . 在这种情况下,如果要在64bit系统上安装应用程序,则可以在Wow6432Node找到HKLM密钥。 But if you want/need keys to be added to 64bit branch, you could create additional entries with Check: IsWin64 . 但是,如果希望/需要将密钥添加到64位分支,则可以使用Check: IsWin64创建其他条目。

Example: 例:

Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "CurrentVersion"; ValueData: ""; Check: not IsWin64
Root: HKLM64; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2; 
ValueType: string; ValueName: "CurrentVersion"; ValueData: ""; Check: IsWin64

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