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MVC 4-从View传递数据=>控制器

[英]MVC 4 - Pass Data from View => Controller

The entity "Bond" has a property named "Kauf" that is another entity ("Price" = date, addedBy, value). 实体“ Bond”具有一个名为“ Kauf”的属性,该属性是另一个实体(“ Price” = date,add byBy,value)。

Now, when in Create View of Bond ( = Buy), a value for Price needs to be entered. 现在,在创建债券视图(=购买)时,需要输入价格值。 The standard Create View has no field for entering price data. 标准的“创建视图”没有用于输入价格数据的字段。

If I add 如果我加

    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Kauf.Value)
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Kauf.Value)

to the view, then how would I be able to grasp that value in the controller, where regularly only the entity "Bond" is accepted as parameter? 从视图来看,那么我将如何能够在控制器中掌握该值,而通常只接受实体“债券”作为参数?

    public ActionResult Create(Bond position)

Trying to access it through 尝试通过访问


would just reference the (yet) empty property "Kauf" from bond, I guess. 我猜只是会引用bond中的(尚未)空属性“ Kauf”。 Thank you for input! 感谢您的输入!

Posting as an answer as this is too long to comment. 发布作为答案,因为此评论太久了。 I have tried to recreate and it is all working here so I thought I would post what I have so you can compare with what you are doing: 我尝试重新创建,并且所有操作都在这里进行,所以我想我会发布我所拥有的内容,以便您可以与正在做的事情进行比较:

I am assuming that Kauf.Value is a string here... 我假设Kauf.Value在这里是一个字符串...

Controller 控制者

public ActionResult Create()
    // Setup model before passing in
    var model = new Bond();
    return View(model);

public ActionResult Create(Bond position)
    string theValue = position.Kauf.Value;
    // At this point "theValue" contains a valid item
    return View(position);

View 视图

@model MvcExperiments.Models.Bond

    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Kauf.Value)
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Kauf.Value)

        <input type="submit" value="Save" />

If by "entity" you are referring to an actual ORM entity then that's probably what the issue is - you should be using view models for passing data to/from your views, not raw entities. 如果通过“实体”指的是实际的ORM实体,那么问题可能就出在这里-您应该使用视图模型来向/从视图传递数据,而不是原始实体。 For example, you can try the following: 例如,您可以尝试以下操作:

Model 模型

public class KaufViewModel
    public double Price { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; }

public class BondViewModel
    public KaufViewModel Kauf { get; set; }

Controller 控制者

public ActionResult Create()
    return View(new BondViewModel());

public ActionResult Create(BondViewModel bond)
    // bond.Kauf.Value should be set at this point (given it's set in the form)
    return View(bond); // fields should be re-populated

View 视图

@model BondViewModel

    @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Kauf)
    <p><input type="submit" value="Save" /></p>

None of the given answers here worked for me and I searched so much for a simple thing of passing data between action methods. 这里给出的答案都没有对我有用,因此我搜索了很多关于在操作方法之间传递数据的简单事情。 So, here is my answer. 所以,这是我的答案。

I have an action POST method that's called by a JS on a NavBar item click. 我有一个NavBar项目单击上的JS调用的操作POST方法。 This method instantiates a report instance, and passes it to be used by another action method. 此方法实例化一个报表实例,然后将其传递以供其他操作方法使用。 But here I'm returning a string clickedReport. 但是这里我返回一个字符串clickedReport。

The ViewBag didn't work for me, returning the instance as a Model didn't work, and the only way it worked was by either using TempData or Session as shown below. ViewBag对我不起作用,将实例作为模型返回不起作用,并且它起作用的唯一方法是使用TempData或Session,如下所示。

public ActionResult PopulateReport(int groupId, int itemId)
string clickedReport;


TempData["clickedReport"] = clickedReport;
Session["clickedReport"] = clickedReport;

return PartialView();


public ActionResult GridViewPartial()

// Now this other action method can get the clicked report assigned by the above action.
var tmpData = TempData["clickedReport"];
var sessionData = Session["clickedReport"];

// Runs the report instance and returns an object that holds a DataTable and other info to the grid that's in the calling partial view.

// Instantiate and populate GridConfig
GridConfig gridConfig = new GridConfig();

return PartialView("_GridViewPartial", gridConfig);


---- This is the view for the PopulateReport action ie PopulateReport.cshtml @Html.Action("GridViewPartial") ----这是PopulateReport操作的视图,即PopulateReport.cshtml @ Html.Action(“ GridViewPartial”)

Hope this helps someone. 希望这对某人有帮助。

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