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ASP.NET MVC将ActionLink中的字符串传递给控制器

[英]ASP.NET MVC passing a string in an ActionLink to the controller

Passing a param to the controller is null.. from examples ive seen im using correct overload. 从参数传递给控制器​​的参数为null。 Any help much appriceated 任何有价值的帮助

foreach (string str in ViewBag.ServerNames)
     <img src="../../Content/Images/my_computer.png" alt="Computer Name"/>
        <li >@Html.ActionLink(linkText: str.ToString(),actionName: "Index",controllerName:"Customer",
        routeValues:new{str = str.ToString()} , htmlAttributes: null)</li>


} }

public ActionResult Index(string conName)
        Response.Write("con name = " + conName);
        string con = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[conName].ConnectionString;
        trakman_Entities db = new trakman_Entities(con);
        return View(db.customers.ToList());

browser source code 浏览器源代码

     <img src="../../Content/Images/my_computer.png" alt="Computer Name"/>
        <li ><a href="/Customer/Index/DefaultConnection">DefaultConnection</a></li>
     <img src="../../Content/Images/my_computer.png" alt="Computer Name"/>
        <li ><a href="/Customer/Index/trakman_Entities">trakman_Entities</a></li>
     <img src="../../Content/Images/my_computer.png" alt="Computer Name"/>
        <li ><a href="/Customer/Index/trakman_Entities1">trakman_Entities1</a></li>

You should provide correct parameter name in action link and there is no need to specify parameters here :) 您应该在操作链接中提供正确的参数名称,并且无需在此处指定参数:)

foreach (string str in ViewBag.ServerNames)
     <img src="../../Content/Images/my_computer.png" alt="Computer Name"/>
        <li >@Html.ActionLink(str.ToString(),"Index","Customer",
        new{conName= str.ToString()} , null)</li>


If you are using MVC out of the box then it is only likely to work with a parameter called id that accepts an int. 如果您使用的是开箱即​​用的MVC,那么它只能与名为id的参数一起使用,该参数接受一个int。 To make this work you need to explicitly define the parameter in the URL as below: 为此,您需要在URL中明确定义参数,如下所示:

<a href="/Customer/Index/?conName=trakman_Entities">trakman_Entities</a>

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