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如何在 node.js 中发出/管道数组值作为可读流?

[英]How to emit/pipe array values as a readable stream in node.js?

What is the best way to create a readable stream from an array and pipe values to a writable stream?创建从数组和管道值到可写流的可读流的最佳方法是什么? I have seen substack's example using setInterval and I can implement that successfully using 0 for the interval value, but I am iterating over a lot of data and triggering gc every time is slowing things down.我已经看到使用 setInterval 的 substack示例,我可以成功地使用 0 作为间隔值来实现它,但是我正在迭代大量数据并且每次触发 gc 都会减慢速度。

// Working with the setInterval wrapper
var arr = [1, 5, 3, 6, 8, 9];

function createStream () {
    var t = new stream;
    t.readable = true;
    var times = 0;
    var iv = setInterval(function () {
        t.emit('data', arr[times]);
        if (++times === arr.length) {
}, 0);

// Create the writable stream s
// ....


What I would like to do is emit values without the setInterval.我想做的是在没有 setInterval 的情况下发出值。 Perhaps using the async module like this:也许使用这样的异步模块:

async.forEachSeries(arr, function(item, cb) {
    t.emit('data', item);
}, function(err) {
 if (err) {

In this case I iterate the array and emit data, but never pipe any values.在这种情况下,我迭代数组并发出数据,但从不通过管道传输任何值。 I have already seen shinout's ArrayStream , but I think that was created before v0.10 and it is a bit more overhead than I am looking for.我已经看过 shinout 的ArrayStream ,但我认为它是在 v0.10 之前创建的,它的开销比我正在寻找的要多一些。

You can solve this problem by creating a readable stream and pushing values into it.您可以通过创建可读流并将值推入其中来解决此问题。

Streams are a pain, but it's often easier to work with them directly than to use libraries.流是一种痛苦,但直接使用它们通常比使用库更容易

Array of strings or buffers to stream要流式传输的字符串或缓冲区数组

If you're working with an array of strings or buffers, this will work:如果您正在使用字符串或缓冲区数组,这将起作用:

'use strict'
const Stream = require('stream')
const readable = new Stream.Readable()


const items = ['a', 'b', 'c']
items.forEach(item => readable.push(item))

// no more data


  • readable.pipe(process.stdout) does two things: puts the stream into "flowing" mode and sets up the process.stdout writable stream to receive data from readable readable.pipe(process.stdout)做两件事:将流置于“流动”模式并设置 process.stdout 可写流以接收来自readable数据
  • the Readable#push method is for the creator of the readable stream, not the stream consumer. Readable#push方法适用于可读流的创建者,而不是流使用者。
  • You have to do Readable#push(null) to signal that there is no more data.您必须执行Readable#push(null)以表示没有更多数据。

Array of non-strings to stream要流式传输的非字符串数组

To make a stream from an array of things that are neither strings nor buffers, you need both the readable stream and the writable stream to be in "Object Mode" .要从既不是字符串也不是缓冲区的数组创建流,您需要可读流和可写流都处于"Object Mode" In the example below, I made the following changes:在下面的示例中,我进行了以下更改:

  • Initialize the readable stream with {objectMode: true}使用{objectMode: true}初始化可读流
  • Instead of piping to process.stdout , pipe to a simple writable stream that is in object mode.不是通过管道传输到process.stdout ,而是通过管道传输到处于对象模式的简单可写流。

     'use strict' const Stream = require('stream') const readable = new Stream.Readable({objectMode: true}) const writable = new Stream.Writable({objectMode: true}) writable._write = (object, encoding, done) => { console.log(object) // ready to process the next chunk done() } readable.pipe(writable) const items = [1, 2, 3] items.forEach(item => readable.push(item)) // end the stream readable.push(null)

Performance Note性能说明

Where is the data coming from?数据来自哪里? If it's a streaming data source, it's better to manipulate the stream using a transform stream than to convert to/from an array.如果它是流数据源,最好使用转换流来操作流,而不是在数组之间进行转换。

As of Node 12.3, you can use stream.Readable.from(iterable, [options]) instead.从 Node 12.3 开始,您可以改用stream.Readable.from(iterable, [options])

const { Readable } = require('stream');
const readableStream = Readable.from(arr);

tl;dr; tl;博士;

This is a LIFO solution.这是一个 LIFO 解决方案。 Array.prototype.pop() has similar behavior to shift but applied to the last element in an array. Array.prototype.pop() 具有与 shift 类似的行为,但应用于数组中的最后一个元素。

const items = [1,2,3]
const stream = new Readable({
  objectMode: true,
  read() {
    const item = items.pop()
    if (!item) {

I wound up using ArrayStream for this.为此我最终使用了ArrayStream It did resolve the issue with the GC being triggered too often.它确实解决了 GC 触发过于频繁的问题。 I was getting warnings for a recursive process.nextTick from node so modified the nextTick callbacks in ArrayStream to setImmediate and that fixed the warnings and seems to be working well.我收到来自节点的递归 process.nextTick 警告,因此将 ArrayStream 中的 nextTick 回调修改为 setImmediate 并修复了警告,似乎运行良好。

It's an old question, but if anyone stumbles on this, node-stream-array is a much simpler and more elegant implementation for Node.js >= v0.10这是一个老问题,但如果有人偶然发现, node-stream-array是 Node.js >= v0.10 的更简单、更优雅的实现

var streamify = require('stream-array'),
  os = require('os');

streamify(['1', '2', '3', os.EOL]).pipe(process.stdout);

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