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ASP.NET MVC4中cshtml文件中的解析错误

[英]Parsing error in cshtml file in ASP.NET MVC4

In the view, I am trying to display at most 5 images in a row. 在视图中,我试图连续显示最多5个图像。 The idea is to introduce a new row by using the </tr><tr> html tags to close the present row and start a new one as shown below, but this gives a Parser error. 我们的想法是通过使用</tr><tr> html标记来引入一个新行来关闭当前行并开始一个新行,如下所示,但这会产生一个Parser错误。

Parser Error Message: The code block is missing a closing "}" character. 分析器错误消息:代码块缺少结束“}”字符。 Make sure you have a matching "}" character for all the "{" characters within this block, and that none of the "}" characters are being interpreted as markup. 确保此块中的所有“{”字符都有匹配的“}”字符,并且没有任何“}”字符被解释为标记。

How can I correct this? 我怎么能纠正这个?

            int indx = 0;
            foreach(var item in Model) { 
                    <a href ="@Url.Action("ShowPic", "ViewPhotos", new { id = item.ID })"> 
                        <img src="@String.Format("data:image/jpg;base64,{0}", Convert.ToBase64String(item.Image))" /> 
                    <br />                       
                    @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Caption) 
                if(indx%5==0) {
                     </tr><tr><!--Error here-->


Thanks. 谢谢。

Try adding this to the row in question 尝试将此添加到相关行

@: </tr><tr><!--Error here-->

Because you are wrapping it in a HTML tag element, Razor cannot determine that the content within the if is the start of a content block. 因为您将它包装在HTML标记元素中,所以Razor无法确定if中的内容if是内容块的开头。 By using @: we are indicating that the contents of the statement should be treated as content. 通过使用@:我们指出语句的内容应该被视为内容。

Your first <tr> and last </tr> is outside of the scope of it's opening/closing tag: 您的第一个<tr>和最后一个</tr>超出了它的开始/结束标记的范围:

            int indx = 0; foreach (var item in Model) { indx++;
                <a href ="@Url.Action("ShowPic", "ViewPhotos", new { id = item.ID })">
                    <img src="@String.Format("data:image/jpg;base64,{0}", Convert.ToBase64String(item.Image))" />
                <br />
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Caption)
            if(indx%5==0) {
            } }

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