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[英]Rails error when Generate

i started learning rails couple of days ago and i face errors every step i hardly get over the installation and when i came to this point of Generate Controller i got that error that i cant find any solution any ideas ? 几天前,我开始学习Rails,每步都遇到错误,我几乎无法克服安装问题,而到了Generate Controller的这一步,我遇到了一个错误,我找不到任何解决方案?

> c:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/psych.rb:148:in `parse': couldn't parse YAML
> at line 1 9 column 2 (Psych::SyntaxError)

ScreenShot: http://sdrv.ms/12VD1Wu 屏幕截图: http//sdrv.ms/12VD1Wu

You have an error in your config/database.yml file, in line 19, column 2. Fix the error and you will be able to proceed. config/database.yml文件的第19行第2列中有错误。解决该错误,您将能够继续进行。

To get the file straight, you might want to google for "yml online validator" and use one of the suggested tools. 为了使文件更直接,您可能需要在Google上搜索“ yml在线验证器”并使用建议的工具之一。

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