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[英]Data extraction by beautifulsoup and re

I'm tring to extract spcify information from jb hifi, here is what I did: 我想从jb hifi中提取spcify信息,这就是我所做的:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import re


soup = BeautifulSoup(page.read())
print (Item0.renderContents())

the output is : 输出是:

Apple iPod Classic 160GB (Black) 
<span class="SKU">MC297ZP/A</span>

what I want is: 我想要的是:

Apple iPod Classic 160GB (Black)

and I tried use re to remove the other information 我尝试使用re删除其他信息


but it didn't work 但它不起作用

So my problem is how can I remove the useless information and get "Apple ipod classic 160GB(black)" 所以我的问题是如何删除无用的信息并获得“Apple ipod classic 160GB(黑色)”

Don't use .renderContents() ; 不要使用.renderContents() ; it's a debugging tool at best. 它充其量只是一个调试工具。

Just get the first child: 刚刚得到第一个孩子:

>>> Item0.contents[0]
u'Apple iPod Classic 160GB (Black)\xc2\xa0\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'
>>> Item0.contents[0].strip()
u'Apple iPod Classic 160GB (Black)\xc2'

It appears that BeautifulSoup hasn't quite guessed the encoding correctly, so the non-breaking space (U+00a0) is present as two separate bytes instead of one. 似乎BeautifulSoup没有完全猜测编码是否正确,因此非中断空间(U + 00a0)作为两个单独的字节而不是一个存在。 It looks like BeautifulSoup guessed wrong: 貌似BeautifulSoup猜错了:

>>> soup.originalEncoding

You can force the encoding by using the response headers; 您可以使用响应标头强制编码; this server did set the character set: 这个服务器确实设置了字符集:

>>> page.info().getparam('charset')
>>> page=urllib2.urlopen(url)
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(page.read(), fromEncoding=page.info().getparam('charset'))
>>> Item0=soup.findAll('td',{'class':'check_title'})[0]
>>> Item0.contents[0].strip()
u'Apple iPod Classic 160GB (Black)'

The fromEncoding parameter tells BeautifulSoup to use UTF-8 instead of Latin 1, and now the non-breaking space is correctly stripped. fromEncoding参数告诉BeautifulSoup使用UTF-8而不是Latin 1,现在正确地剥离了不间断空格。

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