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[英]How to deploy a php app as a phar w/out having to browse to the phar

I am interested in deploying my php (silex) based web as a phar. 我有兴趣将基于php(silex)的Web部署为Phar。 The app would be deployed on both macs and windows servers I don't control. 该应用程序将同时部署在我无法控制的Mac和Windows服务器上。 But I can require php5.3. 但是我可以要求php5.3。

if I access the phar ( http://server.com/myphar.phar ) directly in the browser it doesn't execute the php UNLESS you setup the web server to recognize phar files. 如果我直接在浏览器中访问phar( http://server.com/myphar.phar ),除非您将Web服务器设置为识别phar文件,否则它不会执行php。 At least that is what i think is happening. 至少那是我认为正在发生的事情。

How can I deploy my app as a Phar without requiring the users to access the phar directly in the browser? 如何在不要求用户直接在浏览器中访问phar的情况下将我的应用程序部署为Phar?

the answer appears to be "yes". 答案似乎是“是”。

I build everything Except index.php into the phar, and then simply do this in index.php 我将除index.php之外的所有内容都构建到了phar中,然后只需在index.php中进行此操作


This seems to work so far. 到目前为止,这似乎可行。 It appears to function just as if there was no phar involved. 它似乎就像没有药一样起作用。

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