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[英]QT Using stylesheets to increase size of slider handle

I'm using QT to subclass QSlider and now I want to make the handle larger. 我正在使用QT继承QSlider的子类,现在我想使手柄更大。 I used SetStylesheet and set a background color and the new size. 我使用SetStylesheet并设置背景颜色和新大小。 When running, the color is set but the size seems to be fixed. 运行时,颜色已设置,但大小似乎是固定的。 I can however adjust the size of the whole QSlider: in that case the groove with handle stays the same size but the surround widget area becomes larger. 但是,我可以调整整个QSlider的大小:在这种情况下,带有手柄的凹槽保持相同的大小,但环绕小部件区域变大。

How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题? And furthermore, is there an overview somewhere of the components each QWidget has with a reference to how they can be adjusted by stylesheets? 此外,是否每个QWidget都有组件的概述,以及如何通过样式表进行调整的参考?

Thanks 谢谢


Change handel size:

aSliderProxy = new SliderProxy();

File sliderproxy.h:

#include <QProxyStyle>

class SliderProxy : public QProxyStyle
    int pixelMetric ( PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption * option = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const
        switch(metric) {
        case PM_SliderThickness  : return 50;
        case PM_SliderLength     : return 50;
        default                         : return (QProxyStyle::pixelMetric(metric,option,widget));

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