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Emacs ESS密钥绑定

[英]Emacs ESS key bindings

I am trying to set some key bindings for ESS. 我正在尝试为ESS设置一些键绑定。 I read one way is: 我读过一种方法是:

(eval-after-load "ess-mode"
  '(define-key ess-mode-map (kbd "<f5>") 'myfunc))

But this works only inside the code blocks delimited by <<>> , @ . 但这仅适用于由<<>>@分隔的代码块内部。

Another problem is that I would like to use the same key both for plain LaTeX mode (a .tex file) and LaTeX as part of Noweb (a .rnw file) and so I can't just define the key twice for LaTeX mode and ESS mode. 另一个问题是我想使用相同的密钥作为普通LaTeX模式(.tex文件)和LaTeX作为Noweb(.rnw文件)的一部分,因此我不能只为LaTeX模式定义密钥两次ESS模式。

While there is a LaTeX-mode-hook , I don't see something like `ess-noweb-mode-hook . 虽然有一个LaTeX-mode-hook ,但我没有看到类似`ess-noweb-mode-hook

ess-noweb mode is just a wrapper and it loads latex-mode and R-mode in corresponding chunks. ess-noweb模式只是一个包装器,它在相应的块中加载latex模式和R模式。 So if you define a shortcut in latex-mode-map it should be available in .rnw buffers as well. 因此,如果您在latex-mode-map定义一个快捷方式,它也应该在.rnw缓冲区中可用。

After some trial and error, I found the answer. 经过一些反复试验,我找到了答案。

If we are in a LaTeX only buffer this is true: (and (equal (symbol-name major-mode) "latex-mode") (not ess-noweb-mode))) . 如果我们在只有LaTeX的缓冲区中这是真的:( (and (equal (symbol-name major-mode) "latex-mode") (not ess-noweb-mode)))

If we are outside chunks of an ESS buffer this is true: ess-noweb-mode . 如果我们在ESS缓冲区的外部,这是真的: ess-noweb-mode

You may be interested to the following convenience functions. 您可能对以下便利功能感兴趣。

;Check ESS related modes 
(defun is-pure-latex ()
  "The buffer is in LaTeX mode, but not in ESS mode."
  (and (equal (symbol-name major-mode) "latex-mode") (not ess-noweb-mode)))

(defun is-ess ()
  "The buffer is in ESS mode."

(defun is-ess-doc ()
  "The buffer is in ESS mode and insertion point is outside a chunk."
  (and ess-noweb-mode (equal (symbol-name major-mode) "latex-mode")))

(defun is-ess-chunk ()
  "The buffer is in ESS mode an insertion point is inside  a chunk."
  (equal (symbol-name major-mode) "ess-mode"))

(defun is-ess-inf ()
  "The buffer is in inferior ESS mode"
  (equal (symbol-name major-mode) "inferior-ess-mode"))

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