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从Dynamics CRM Online动态提取数据

[英]Dynamically Pull Data from Dynamics CRM Online

I'm a PHP Developer that recently got introduced to Dynamics CRM Online as I am building an application that needs to pull Customer details directly from a Dynamics CRM Online account to populate a Customer selection list. 我是一名PHP开发人员,最近被介绍到Dynamics CRM Online,因为我正在构建一个应用程序,需要直接从Dynamics CRM Online帐户提取客户详细信息以填充客户选择列表。

I've gone through a number of options including: http://mscrmtools.blogspot.com/2012/08/php-to-crm-online-easy-way-to-do.html 我已经完成了很多选项,包括: http//mscrmtools.blogspot.com/2012/08/php-to-crm-online-easy-way-to-do.html

But I was unable to authenticate at all. 但我根本无法进行身份验证。 According to the blogger, Tanguy, MS has since changed and the solution he posted is no longer valid. 根据博主Tanguy的说法,MS已经发生变化,他发布的解决方案已不再有效。 I am unable to locate a new solution for connect. 我无法找到新的连接解决方​​案。

I've even tried the Dynamics SDK ( http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24004 ) but I've never done C# coding so I'm at a lost and it seems the samples weren't even compiling anyway. 我甚至尝试过动态SDK( http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24004 ),但我从来没有做过C#编码,所以我迷路了似乎样本甚至没有编译。 At the same time, I'm not sure this tool was even meant for pulling data from Dynamics CRM Online or the user hosted version. 与此同时,我不确定此工具是否用于从Dynamics CRM Online或用户托管版本中提取数据。

If there's anyone who can help, it would be greatly appreciated as I've been trying to figure this out for days and trying various options only to continually hit dead end after dead end. 如果有人可以提供帮助,我会非常感激,因为我一直在努力解决这个问题,并尝试了各种选择,只能在死胡同结束后不断进入死胡同。

Thanks so much in advance. 非常感谢提前。

My suggestion in this situation is always to create a C# Web Service that will act as a bridge between CRM and your php code. 我在这种情况下的建议总是创建一个C#Web服务,它将充当CRM和您的PHP代码之间的桥梁。

The Web Service use .NET so can easily pull the data from CRM, and because is a Web Service you can consume it by any platform (with SOAP or REST is your decision) Web服务使用.NET因此可以轻松地从CRM中提取数据,因为您可以通过任何平台使用Web服务(使用SOAPREST是您的决定)

I have been working through a CRM Online - PHP connector for the last few months. 过去几个月我一直在使用CRM Online - PHP连接器。 I have no server to host C# code so i've been restricted to connecting to CRM using PHP. 我没有服务器来托管C#代码所以我一直被限制使用PHP连接到CRM。

I have managed to get Office 365 and Windows Live authentication working (in the near future all Windows Live users will be migrated to Office 365). 我已设法使Office 365和Windows Live身份验证正常工作(在不久的将来,所有Windows Live用户都将迁移到Office 365)。 I have been starting to document my process here. 我一直在这里记录我的过程。

http://crmtroubleshoot.blogspot.com.au/2013/07/dynamics-crm-2011-php-and-soap-using.html http://crmtroubleshoot.blogspot.com.au/2013/07/dynamics-crm-2011-php-and-soap-using.html

After spending a fair bit of time on this connection I find myself agreeing with Guido Preite. 在这段关系上花了相当多的时间后,我发现自己同意Guido Preite。 If you are in a position to host a C# Web Service somewhere then this is probably worthwhile. 如果您能够在某处托管C#Web服务,那么这可能是值得的。

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