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如果关闭位置服务,则不会触发Phonegap构建“ deviceready”事件

[英]Phonegap build “deviceready” event never fires if the location service is turned off

I have written a webapp using JQM (1.3.1), jQuery(1.9), CSS3 and javascript now I am in the second phase where I am porting this app to Apple store using phone gap (2.7) (target iOS(6.1)/iPhone5 - Issue can be reproduced on iPhone 4S/ iOS 6.0 我已经使用JQM(1.3.1),jQuery(1.9),CSS3和javascript编写了一个Webapp,现在我处于第二阶段,我正在使用手机差距(2.7)(目标iOS(6.1)/ iPhone5-问题可以在iPhone 4S / iOS 6.0上重现

My geolocation code as shown below worked fine when it was executed in a browser. 当在浏览器中执行时,如下所示的地理位置代码可以正常工作。

var geoOptions = { 'enableHighAccuracy': true, 'timeout': 10000, 'maximumAge': 0 };
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geoSuccess, geoError, geoOptions);

function geoSuccess(postion)
  //on success code here    
function geoError(error)
  //on error code here    

However once passed through phonegap then my app requested user permission to access the location service twice ie it showed a pop up twice. 但是,一旦通过phonegap,我的应用就会请求用户两次访问位置服务的权限,即显示两次弹出窗口。 Hence to resolve that I used the code below as suggested in many solutions on stackoverflow. 因此,为了解决这一问题,我使用了许多关于stackoverflow的解决方案中所建议的以下代码。

function onDeviceReady() {
 navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geoSuccess, geoError,geoOptions);

$(function() {
 document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

This resolved the pop up issue however started a new one. 这解决了弹出问题,但是开始了新的问题。

Issue: if the location service is disabled my code adds the deviceready listener and waits for the deviceready event to fire however the event never fires and it just sits there. 问题:如果禁用了位置服务,我的代码将添加deviceready侦听器并等待deviceready事件触发,但是该事件从不触发,它就坐在那儿。 If the location service is turned on it works as expected. 如果打开了定位服务,它将按预期工作。

Has anyone faced this issue before can you please suggest me what you did to resolve it, please I have already invested a day worth debug and research time in it. 有没有人遇到过这个问题,在您能提出建议之前,我是否可以解决这个问题,请问我已经花了一天的时间进行调试和研究。

Kind regards and thank you. 亲切的问候,谢谢。

Issue resolved! 问题解决了! :) :)

Turns out I was not including the phone gap library exactly as described in the phonegap build article. 事实证明,我并没有完全按照phonegap构建文章中的描述包括电话空白库。

Check this article https://build.phonegap.com/docs/preparing-your-app 检查本文https://build.phonegap.com/docs/preparing-your-app

You do not need to include this library on each page but just the index page, I am not sure how it makes any difference but then the "deviceready" event started firing after I removed any references to phonegap.js on any other page but the index.html. 您无需在每个页面上都包括此库,而只需在索引页面上就可以了,我不确定它有什么区别,但是在删除了其他任何页面上对phonegap.js的引用之后,“ deviceready”事件就开始触发,但是index.html的。

Second thing that I noticed was that for some reason my error handling as shown below stopped working after phonegap build. 我注意到的第二件事是由于某种原因,在构建phonegap之后,如下所示的错误处理停止了工作。

   search.openPanelForSearch("Either the app was denied permission or the location srvice is currently turned off.", showInitialMap);
   search.openPanelForSearch("Geolocation information was unavailable. Would you like to try out a manual serach instead?", showInitialMap);
  case error.TIMEOUT:
   search.openPanelForSearch("Service was timed out since it took too long to retrieve the gelolcations. Would you like to try out a manual search instead?", showInitialMap);
  case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
   search.openPanelForSearch("Sorry an unknown error occurred. Would you like to try out a manual serach instead?", showInitialMap);

I had to change it to below 我必须将其更改为以下

  case 1:
   search.openPanelForSearch("Either the app was denied permission or the location service is currently turned off.", showInitialMap);
  case 2:
   search.openPanelForSearch("Geolocation information was unavailable. Would you like to try out a manual search instead?", showInitialMap);
  case 3:
   search.openPanelForSearch("Service was timed out since it took too long to retrieve the gelolcations. Would you like to try out a manual serach instead?", showInitialMap);
   search.openPanelForSearch("Sorry an unknown error occurred. Would you like to try out a manual search instead?", showInitialMap);

Hope this helps someone. 希望这对某人有帮助。 Thanks. 谢谢。

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