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[英]Linq left join with Entity Framework

I have a table of Vehicles and I need to do a left join on VehicleAttribute. 我有一个Vehicles表,我需要对VehicleAttribute进行左连接。

var vehicle = (from v in context.Vehicles
                               //join vehicleAttributes
                               join va in context.VehicleAttributes on v.VehicleId equals va.VehicleId into vAttributes
                               from vehicleAttributes in vAttributes.DefaultIfEmpty()

                               where v.VehicleId == vehicleId
                               select new { v, vehicleAttributes });

so far so good. 到现在为止还挺好。 VehicleAttribute has also a column AttributeId. VehicleAttribute还具有一列AttributeId。 And I only need to join those VehicleAttributes when it's in this List: 我只需要在此列表中加入这些VehicleAttributes:

List<Guid> allowedAttributes = (from ua in context.UserAttributes
                                                    where ua.UserId == UserSession.CurrentUser.UserId
                                                    select ua.AttributeId).ToList();

How would I do that? 我该怎么做? I think a subquery might be the right approach but I'm struggling.. 我认为子查询可能是正确的方法,但我正在努力。

Thanks for all answers. 感谢所有答案。

EDIT: A different approach to explain my problem: I have these two queries 编辑:一种不同的方法来解释我的问题:我有这两个查询

SELECT Vehicle.VehicleId,VehicleAttribute.AttributeId
FROM Vehicle
LEFT JOIN VehicleAttribute
ON Vehicle.VehicleId = VehicleAttribute.VehicleId

SELECT UserAttribute.AttributeId
FROM UserAttribute
WHERE UserAttribute.UserId = '4D0F8AD2-7A4D-4E29-A6D3-E5FCD6075388'

and want to combine them so I only get the attribute id's which are in the second query. 并希望将它们组合在一起,因此我只获得第二个查询中的属性ID。 A where clause doesn't work because I still want the vehicleId even if there are no attributeIds where子句不起作用,因为即使没有attributeIds,我仍然想要vehicleId

After you defined allowedAttributes you can change 定义allowedAttributes您可以更改


of your first query to: 您的第一个查询:

    .Where(va => allowedAttributes.Contains(va.AttributeId))

Not sure this is your scenario. 不确定这是您的情况。 You could try to Left join with a subquery: 您可以尝试使用子查询向左联接:

//define the query that returns allowed VehicleAttributes
allowedAttributesQuery =from ua in context.UserAttributes
                          where ua.UserId == UserSession.CurrentUser.UserId
                          select ua.VehicleAttribute;  //I suppose that VehicleAttribute navigation property exists in the UserAttribute 

//query that joins Vehicles with the allowedAttributes subquery
var vehicle = (from v in context.Vehicles
                           join va in allowedAttributesQuery on v.VehicleId equals va.VehicleId into vAttributes
                           from vehicleAttributes in vAttributes.DefaultIfEmpty()

                           where v.VehicleId == vehicleId
                           select new { v, vehicleAttributes });

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