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[英]How do I store and load a list of key-value pairs in a string?

I have a list of strings and the values they are to be replaced with. 我有一个字符串列表和它们要替换的值。 I'm trying to combine them in a list like 'O'='0',' .'='.', ... so it's easy for me to edit it and add more pairs of replacements to make. 我正在尝试将它们组合在一个列表中,例如'O'='0',' .'='.', ...所以我很容易编辑它并添加更多对替换。

Right now the best way I could think of it is: 现在我能想到的最好方法是:

  ListaLimpeza : TStringList;
  ListaLimpeza := TStringList.Create;

  ListaLimpeza.Delimiter := '|';
  ListaLimpeza.QuoteChar := '"';
  ListaLimpeza.DelimitedText := 'O=0 | " .=."';

  ShowMessage('1o Valor = '+ListaLimpeza.Names[1]+' e 2o Valor = '+ListaLimpeza.ValueFromIndex[1]);

This works, but it's not good for visuals, since I can't code the before string (for ex ' .' ) like that (which is very visual for the SPACE character), only like ( " . ) so that the = works to assign a name and value in the TStringList. 这是有效的,但它对于视觉效果并不好,因为我无法对前面的字符串(对于ex ' .' )进行编码(这对于SPACE字符来说非常直观),只有像( " . )这样才能使=在TStringList中分配名称和值。

The Names and Values by default have to be separated by = , in the style of Windows INI files. 默认情况下, NamesValues必须以Windows INI文件的样式分隔= There's no way AFAICT to change that separator. AFAICT无法改变那个分隔符。 As @SirRufo indicates in the comment (and which I had never noticed), you can change that using the TStringList.NameValueSeparator property. 由于@SirRufo在注释中指示(我从未注意到),您可以使用TStringList.NameValueSeparator属性更改它。

This will give you an idea of what Delphi thinks is in your TStringList , which is not what you think it is: 这将让您了解Delphi在您的TStringList的想法,这不是您认为的:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  SL: TStringList;
  Temp: string;
  i: Integer;
  SL := TStringList.Create;
  SL.Delimiter := '|';
  SL.QuoteChar := '"';
  SL.StrictDelimiter := True;
  SL.DelimitedText := 'O=0 | ! .!=!.!';
  Temp := 'Count: ' + IntToStr(SL.Count) + #13;
  for i := 0 to SL.Count - 1 do
    Temp := Temp + Format('Name: %s Value: %s'#13, 
              [SL.Names[i], SL.ValueFromIndex[i]]);

This produces this output: 这会产生以下输出:


TStringList Names/Values probably isn't going to do what you need. TStringList名称/值可能无法满足您的需求。 It's not clear what your actual goal is, but it appears that a simple text file with a simple list of text|replacement and plain parsing of that file would work, and you can easily use TStringList to read/write from that file, but I don't see any way to do the parsing easily except to do it yourself. 目前尚不清楚你的实际目标是什么,但看起来一个简单的文本文件包含一个简单的text|replacement列表text|replacement和该文件的普通解析都可以工作,你可以轻松地使用TStringList从该文件读/写,但是我除了自己动手之外,没有任何方法可以轻松地进行解析。 You could use an array to store the pairs when you parse them: 解析它们时,可以使用数组来存储对:

  TReplacePair = record
    TextValue: string;
    ReplaceValue: string;

  TReplacePairs = array of TReplacePair;

function GetReplacementPairs: TReplacePairs;
  ConfigInfo: TStringList;
  i, Split: Integer;
  ConfigInfo := TStringList.Create;
    SetLength(Result, ConfigInfo.Count);
    for i := 0 to ConfigInfo.Count - 1 do
      Split := Pos('|`, ConfigInfo[i];
      Result[i].TextValue := Copy(ConfigInfo[i], 1, Split - 1);
      Result[i].ReplaceValue := Copy(ConfigInfo[i], Split + 1, MaxInt);

You can then populate whatever controls you need to edit/add/delete the replacement pairs, and just reverse the read operation to write them back out to save. 然后,您可以填充编辑/添加/删除替换对所需的任何控件,然后反转读取操作以将其写回以进行保存。

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