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如何将列 header 绑定到 ViewModel 中的属性? (WPF MVVM)

[英]How to bind column header to property in ViewModel? (WPF MVVM)

I Have window that have DataContext that is bind to ViewModel object (VM1 for the example).我有 window,它的 DataContext 绑定到 ViewModel object(例如 VM1)。 VM1 have a lot of properties and one of them is a string that called "MyTitle". VM1 有很多属性,其中之一是一个名为“MyTitle”的字符串。

I have a DataGridTextColumn in 'Window\Grid\DataGrid'.我在“Window\Grid\DataGrid”中有一个 DataGridTextColumn。 How can I bind the property "Header" in DataGridTextColumn to the Property "MyTitle" in my VM1 ViewModel?如何将 DataGridTextColumn 中的属性“Header”绑定到我的 VM1 ViewModel 中的属性“MyTitle”?


Unfortunately, the column definitions of the DataGrid don't inherit the DataContext , because they're not part of the visual tree, so you can't bind directly to the ViewModel.不幸的是, DataGrid的列定义不继承DataContext ,因为它们不是可视化树的一部分,因此您不能直接绑定到 ViewModel。 You need to resort to a workaround such as the one described in this article :您需要采用一种解决方法,例如本文中描述的方法:

    <local:BindingProxy x:Key="proxy" Data="{Binding}" />


<DataGridTextColumn Header="{Binding Data.MyTitle, Source={StaticResource proxy}}"/>

The accepted answer didn't work for me.接受的答案对我不起作用。

I was able to make this work.我能够完成这项工作。

<FrameworkElement x:Name="proxy" DataContext="{Binding}"/>

<DataGridTextColumn Header="{Binding Source={x:Reference proxy}, Path=DataContext.MyTitle}/>

There is no need to use a binding proxy, like too often suggested.没有必要像经常建议的那样使用绑定代理。 Obviously, DataGridColumn.Header is not a DependencyProperty .显然, DataGridColumn.Header不是DependencyProperty To still bind it, simply define the Header explicitly using XAML property element syntax, and bind the header content:要仍然绑定它,只需使用 XAML 属性元素语法明确定义Header ,并绑定 header 内容:

        <TextBlock Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=DataGrid}, Path=DataContext.TextValue}" />

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