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[英]No Identity with Provisioning Profile in XCode

I'm trying to get my XCode to run apps on my iPhone. 我正在尝试让XCode在iPhone上运行应用程序。

A while ago I tried to do that just from within XCode (knowing nothing), and it complained about how my Apple ID wasn't set up with a developer account. 不久前,我试图仅在XCode内执行此操作(一无所知),并且它抱怨说我的Apple ID没有设置为开发人员帐户。 Fair enough. 很公平。

Now I do have a developer account (I'm a member of an organization). 现在,我有一个开发人员帐户(我是组织的成员)。 As soon as I got the enrollment email I followed their instructions about setting up the certificates and adding it to my keychain and whatnot. 收到注册电子邮件后,我立即按照他们的说明设置证书并将其添加到钥匙串中。

Then I followed these instructions to try to get XCode set up. 然后,我按照以下说明尝试设置XCode。 When I got to the part about using my device for development, that button wasn't there. 当我谈到使用设备进行开发时,那个按钮就不存在了。 But as the instructions say: 但正如说明所说:

If the device was used for development in the past, the “Use for Development” button may not appear. 如果该设备过去曾用于开发,则可能不会出现“用于开发”按钮。 If this happens, click “Add to Portal” at the bottom of the screen instead. 如果发生这种情况,请改为点击屏幕底部的“添加到门户”。

So I clicked "Add to Portal", a provisioning profile appeared in the list, and everything seemed good. 因此,我单击了“添加到门户”,一个配置文件出现在列表中,一切似乎都很好。 I then proceeded to the "Code Sign Your App" section. 然后,我进入“对应用程序进行代码签名”部分。 This is what I see: 这是我看到的:


I expected there to be a section for iOS Team Provisioning Profile: * or something. 我希望有一个关于iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *或其他内容。 And, of course, this means that when I try to run my app it fails with a code signing error. 而且,当然,这意味着当我尝试运行我的应用程序时,它会因代码签名错误而失败。

I've poked around with deleting and re-adding stuff, but this is where I always get stuck. 我一直在寻找删除和重新添加内容的方法,但这是我经常遇到的问题。 I can provide more information, I just...don't know what you want. 我可以提供更多信息,我只是...不知道您想要什么。 How do I proceed? 我该如何进行?

Thanks. 谢谢。

You can try CMD Shift 2, going to the Devices tab, and refresh the provisioning profiles and/or the team. 您可以尝试CMD Shift 2,转到“设备”选项卡,并刷新配置文件和/或团队。 It should ask you to log in - and hopefully will update your profile for you. 它应该要求您登录-并希望能为您更新个人资料。

If it doesn't, it's the same every time. 如果不是,则每次都相同。 Your device needs to be added to the devices on the portal by a team admin. 您的设备需要由团队管理员添加到门户上的设备。 You said you have a certificate. 您说您有证书。 If not using the team provisioning profile, you have to add your certificate to the profile you are using. 如果不使用团队供应配置文件,则必须将证书添加到正在使用的配置文件中。 Then make sure to quit xcode and reopen it after the changes. 然后确保退出xcode并在更改后重新打开它。

Download the certificate and mobile provisioning profile from the developer site. 从开发人员站点下载证书和移动配置文件。 Then double click them to add to your keychain / organizer. 然后双击它们以添加到您的钥匙串/组织者。

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