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[英]How to add button to title bar?

I am making an android app. 我正在制作一个Android应用程序。 I need to add a button to the title bar of an activity. 我需要在活动的标题栏中添加一个按钮。 I cannot put it in the action bar because of backward compatibility problems. 由于向后兼容性问题,我无法将其放在操作栏中。 I searched a lot but couldn't find a satisfactory solution for this. 我进行了很多搜索,但找不到令人满意的解决方案。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Action bar requires API level 11 to work, my app's minimum is 9 操作栏需要API级别11才能正常工作,我的应用程序的最低要求为9

Use a backport, like ActionBarSherlock , which offers action bars back to API Level 7. More importantly, it does so using an API compatible with the official action bar implementation, and so dropping ActionBarSherlock in a year or two (when you drop support for API Level 9-10) will be fairly easy. 使用诸如ActionBarSherlock之类的反向端口 ,该端口将动作条提供回到API级别7。更重要的是,它使用与官方动作条实现兼容的API来做到这一点,因此在一两年内放弃ActionBarSherlock(当您放弃对API的支持时) 9-10级)将相当容易。 And, your app will have a consistent look and feel with other Android apps. 并且,您的应用将与其他Android应用具有一致的外观。

I needed something similar and created a custom title bar as follows: 我需要类似的东西,并创建了一个自定义标题栏,如下所示:

  • Create a custom View class (I extended linearlayout) 创建一个自定义的View类(我扩展了linearlayout)
  • Add this view to the layout xml of your activity, in the top 将此视图添加到活动的布局xml中,在顶部
  • Hide the default bar, using requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); 使用requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);隐藏默认栏requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); (if I remember correctly, it is crucial to do this before setting the content view of your activity). (如果我没记错的话, 设置活动的内容视图之前执行此操作至关重要)。

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