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如何禁用通过Loadrunner Web(单击和脚本)下载javascript?

[英]How can I disable downloading javascript with Loadrunner Web (Click and Script)?

Is there a way to do this in recording options? 有没有办法在录制选项中做到这一点? I tried recording the script as Web (Click and Script) - GUI-based script but it downloads the javascript file. 我尝试将脚本记录为Web(单击和脚本)-基于GUI的脚本,但是它下载了javascript文件。 Recording using the HTML-based script yields the wrong result. 使用基于HTML的脚本进行录制会产生错误的结果。

OK. 好。 I am going to ask a bizarre question. 我要问一个奇怪的问题。 If your clients are all going to be downloading the javascript files based upon the requests generated by the parsing of the web page then why would you want to exclude the load from those requests from your web server? 如果您的客户都将根据网页解析产生的请求下载javascript文件,那么为什么要从Web服务器的那些请求中排除负载?

A known deviation from user behavior such as this would have to be documented and included with every result set and would (for me) send up red flags on whether the test actually generates the same load as a actual user. 诸如此类的用户行为的已知偏差必须记录在案,并包含在每个结果集中,并且(对于我而言)将发出关于测试是否实际产生与实际用户相同的负载的红色标记。

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