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[英]One-to-one relationship in CF Entity Framework using mapping

I'm using Entity Framework 5, Code-First. 我正在使用Entity Framework 5,Code-First。

I've two domain objects (or tables). 我有两个域对象(或表)。 1st is User , and 2nd is UserProfile . 第一个是User ,第二个是UserProfile One user can have only one profile, and one profile belongs to only one user. 一个用户只能有一个配置文件,一个配置文件只属于一个用户。 That is 1-1 relationship. 这是1-1的关系。

Here are the classes.... (I simplified the code to make it understandably, It is actually more complex) 以下是类....(我简化了代码以使其可理解,实际上更复杂)

User 用户

public class User {
    public virtual Int64 UserId { get; set; }
    public virtual UserProfile UserProfile { get; set; }
    public virtual String Username{ get; set; }
    public virtual String Email { get; set; }
    public virtual String Password { get; set; }

UserProfile 用户资料

public class UserProfile {
    public virtual Int64 UserId { get; set; }
    public virtual User User { get; set; }
    public virtual Int64 Reputation { get; set; }
    public virtual String WebsiteUrl { get; set; }

Here are the Maps.... 这是地图......

UserMap 用户映射

public UserMap() {
    this.Property(t => t.Email)
    this.Property(t => t.Password)
    this.Property(t => t.Username)

UserProfileMap UserProfileMap

public UserProfileMap()
        this.HasKey(t => t.UserId);

Here is the Context.... 这是上下文....

public class TcContext : DbContext {
    static TcContext () {
        Database.SetInitializer(new TcContextInitializer());
    public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
    public DbSet<UserProfile> UserProfiles { get; set; }
    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
        modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new UserMap());
        modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new UserProfileMap());

And here is my error message.... 这是我的错误信息....

Unable to determine the principal end of an association between the types 'Tc.Domain.UserProfile' and 'Tc.Domain.User'. The principal end of this association must be explicitly configured using either the relationship fluent API or data annotations.

I think in this way EF should determine the relationship automatically. 我想通过这种方式EF应该自动确定关系。 But it gives me the above error message. 但它给了我上面的错误信息。 I've researched this problem for a while but can't find a good illustration of the problem in my case. 我已经研究过这个问题了一段时间,但在我的案例中找不到问题的好例子。

Where is my mistake? 我的错误在哪里? Or, should I define some sort of additional relations in maps? 或者,我应该在地图中定义某种额外的关系吗?

I had to modify the UserMap class as follows 我必须修改UserMap类,如下所示

public UserMap() {
    this.Property(t => t.Email)
    this.Property(t => t.Password)
    this.Property(t => t.Username)
    this.HasOptional(t => t.UserProfile)
        .WithRequired(t => t.User);

It essentially says: "User has an optional entity UserProfile which in turn has a required User entity" 它基本上说:“用户有一个可选的实体UserProfile,而后者又有一个必需的用户实体”

The definition of the key in UserProfile is a must here. UserProfile中的键的定义是必须的。

Just looked at it again, do you need to add HasKey to UserMap so it knows which one is the key otherwise you could do the following :- 再看一遍,你需要将HasKey添加到UserMap,以便它知道哪一个是键,否则你可以执行以下操作: -

Are you able to change UserProfile to inherit from User and then add this to your OnModelCreating method 您是否可以将UserProfile更改为从User继承,然后将其添加到OnModelCreating方法

modelBuilder.Entity().ToTable("UserProfile"); modelBuilder.Entity()ToTable( “用户配置”);

this will create your one to one relationship on the database. 这将在数​​据库上创建一对一的关系。 I had to do this with my current model to get one to one otherwise if you do not specify the ToTable part it will lump them into one table with a Discriminator column 我不得不用我当前的模型做到这一点以获得一对一,否则,如果你没有指定ToTable部分,它将把它们混为一个带有Discriminator列的表

cheers Mark 马克欢呼

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