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[英]Extracting unique numbers from string in R

I have a list of strings which contain random characters such as:我有一个包含随机字符的字符串列表,例如:

list[1] = "djud7+dg[a]hs667"
list[2] = "7fd*hac11(5)"
list[3] = "2tu,g7gka5"

I'd like to know which numbers are present at least once ( unique() ) in this list.我想知道在此列表中哪些数字至少出现一次 ( unique() )。 The solution of my example is:我的例子的解决方案是:

solution: c(7,667,11,5,2)解决方案: c(7,667,11,5,2)

If someone has a method that does not consider 11 as "eleven" but as "one and one", it would also be useful.如果有人有一种不将 11 视为“十一”而是“一加一”的方法,它也会很有用。 The solution in this condition would be:在这种情况下的解决方案是:

solution: c(7,6,1,5,2)解决方案: c(7,6,1,5,2)

(I found this post on a related subject: Extracting numbers from vectors of strings ) (我在相关主题上找到了这篇文章: 从字符串向量中提取数字

For the second answer, you can use gsub to remove everything from the string that's not a number, then split the string as follows:对于第二个答案,您可以使用gsub从字符串中删除所有不是数字的内容,然后按如下方式拆分字符串:

unique(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(gsub("[^0-9]", "", unlist(ll)), ""))))
# [1] 7 6 1 5 2

For the first answer, similarly using strsplit ,对于第一个答案,同样使用strsplit

unique(na.omit(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(unlist(ll), "[^0-9]+")))))
# [1]   7 667  11   5   2

PS: don't name your variable list (as there's an inbuilt function list ). PS:不要命名您的变量list (因为有一个内置函数list )。 I've named your data as ll .我已将您的数据命名为ll

Here is yet another answer, this one using gregexpr to find the numbers, and regmatches to extract them:这是另一个答案,这个答案使用gregexpr来查找数字,并使用regmatches来提取它们:

l <- c("djud7+dg[a]hs667", "7fd*hac11(5)", "2tu,g7gka5")

temp1 <- gregexpr("[0-9]", l)   # Individual digits
temp2 <- gregexpr("[0-9]+", l)  # Numbers with any number of digits

as.numeric(unique(unlist(regmatches(l, temp1))))
# [1] 7 6 1 5 2
as.numeric(unique(unlist(regmatches(l, temp2))))
# [1]   7 667  11   5   2

A solution using stringi使用stringi的解决方案

 # extract the numbers:

 nums <- stri_extract_all_regex(list, "[0-9]+")

 # Make vector and get unique numbers:

 nums <- unlist(nums)
 nums <- unique(nums)

And that's your first solution这是你的第一个解决方案

R 中的在线截图

For the second solution I would use substr :对于第二个解决方案,我将使用substr

nums_first <- sapply(nums, function(x) unique(substr(x,1,1)))

You could use ?strsplit (like suggested in @Arun's answer in Extracting numbers from vectors (of strings) ):您可以使用?strsplit (就像?strsplit从向量提取数字(字符串)中的答案中所建议的那样):

l <- c("djud7+dg[a]hs667", "7fd*hac11(5)", "2tu,g7gka5")

## split string at non-digits
s <- strsplit(l, "[^[:digit:]]")

## convert strings to numeric ("" become NA)
solution <- as.numeric(unlist(s))

## remove NA and duplicates
solution <- unique(solution[!is.na(solution)])
# [1]   7 667  11   5   2

A stringr solution with str_match_all and piped operators.带有str_match_all和管道运算符的stringr解决方案。 For the first solution:对于第一个解决方案:

str_match_all(ll, "[0-9]+") %>% unlist %>% unique %>% as.numeric

Second solution:第二种解决方案:

str_match_all(ll, "[0-9]") %>% unlist %>% unique %>% as.numeric

(Note: I've also called the list ll ) (注意:我也称列表为ll

Use strsplit using pattern as the inverse of numeric digits: 0-9使用 strsplit 使用模式作为数字的倒数:0-9

For the example you have provided, do this:对于您提供的示例,请执行以下操作:

tmp <- sapply(list, function (k) strsplit(k, "[^0-9]"))

Then simply take a union of all `sets' in the list, like so:然后简单地取列表中所有“集合”的并集,如下所示:

tmp <- Reduce(union, tmp)

Then you only have to remove the empty string.然后你只需要删除空字符串。

Check out the str_extract_numbers() function from the strex package.查看strex包中的str_extract_numbers()函数。

list[1] = "djud7+dg[a]hs667"
list[2] = "7fd*hac11(5)"
list[3] = "2tu,g7gka5"
charvec <- unlist(list)
#> [1] "djud7+dg[a]hs667" "7fd*hac11(5)"     "2tu,g7gka5"
#> [[1]]
#> [1]   7 667
#> [[2]]
#> [1]  7 11  5
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 2 7 5
#> [1]   7 667  11   5   2

Created on 2018-09-03 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).reprex 包(v0.2.0) 于 2018 年 9 月 3 日创建。

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