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[英]Update a record in table1 if table2 has updates (MySQL)

In MySQL, I have 2 tables (currently MyISAM). 在MySQL中,我有2个表(当前为MyISAM)。 Let's call them table1 and table2. 我们称它们为table1和table2。

table1 has: table1具有:


table2 has: table2具有:

book (the book's title)

Basically, a user can rent books, and a row is created in table2, with records about the user_id, and the book title the user rented. 基本上,用户可以租用书籍,并在table2中创建一行,其中包含有关user_id和用户租用的书籍标题的记录。

In table1, I would like to add a column called 'books_rented'. 在表1中,我想添加一个名为“ books_rented”的列。

In PHP, I can calculate all the rows that x user_id has, and it will return how many books that person rented. 在PHP中,我可以计算x user_id的所有行,它将返回该人租用了多少本书。 However, I would like to know if it's possible to do that within MySQL itself, it would seem more optimal to me. 但是,我想知道是否有可能在MySQL本身中做到这一点,对我来说似乎更理想。

PS.: I am giving books as an example as I thought it would make it simpler, but the tables are actually employer/employee relational. PS .:我以举个例子为例,因为我认为这样会使事情变得更简单,但是表实际上是与雇主/雇员有关的。 If an employee deletes his account, then it won't really be optimal doing it with PHP as it would need to wait until the employer logs in again to update this. 如果员工删除了他的帐户,那么用PHP进行操作并不是最佳选择,因为它需要等到雇主再次登录才能更新它。 I can't really do this with PHP unless I run a cron job which I don't really like. 除非我运行我不太喜欢的cron作业,否则我真的不能用PHP做到这一点。

what is relation between that 2 tables, i assume that table1.id with table2.id. 那2个表之间是什么关系,我假设table1.id与table2.id。

update table1 set books_rented=(select count(*) from table2 where user_id=id)

Please try this at your dev machine first. 请首先在您的开发机器上尝试。

I think adding the books_rented column is necessary. 我认为添加books_rented列是必要的。 You can just simply query it to get the quantity of books that a specific user has rented. 您只需query它即可获取特定用户租用的图书数量。

    , T1.passwd
    , T1.full_name
    , T1.email
    , IFNULL(COUNT(T2.book), 0) AS books_rented
    FROM table1 T1
    LEFT JOIN table2 T2 ON T2.user_id = T1.id
    GROUP BY T1.id

I suggest that you work with your design, since there are instances that you will be: 我建议您使用设计,因为存在以下情况:

  • renting the same book (will that add to the count of books rented?) 租借同一本书(会增加租借的图书数量吗?)
  • are you counting only the books that are currently being borrowed? 您只计算当前正在借书的书吗? Or all the books that have been rented before are included? 还是包括所有以前租借的书?

Since users and books are many to many relationship , you need to add a JUNCTION TABLE . 由于usersbooks存在many to many relationship ,因此需要添加一个JUNCTION TABLE So you will end up with: users , books and userbooks . 因此,您最终将获得: usersbooksusers userbooks

Triggers are exactly what I was looking for. 触发器正是我想要的。 Great tutorial about it . 很棒的教程

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