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[英]jQuery get html5 data value on change

I've a form with a quantity select dropdown and a buy now button. 我有一个带有数量选择下拉列表和立即购买按钮的表格。

<a href="#" rel="nofollow" data-product_id="75" data-product_sku="75" data-popup_id="popup_content_75" data-quantity="5" class="add_to_cart_button_popup button alt">Buy Now</a>
<div class="quantity buttons_added">
<input type="button" value="-" class="minus">
<input type="number" step="1" name="quantity" value="1" title="Qty" class="input-text qty text">
<input type="button" value="+" class="plus"></div> 

Now if a user select quantity 5 and click the buy now button it will display message like 现在,如果用户选择数量5并单击立即购买按钮,它将显示如下消息

{product title} 5X has been added to your order

Its working correctly. 它的工作正常。 But when the user select another quantity (say 7 ) and click buy now its supposed to display message like 但是,当用户选择其他数量(例如7)并单击“立即购买”时,其应该显示如下消息

{product title} 7X has been added to your order

But it still showing the same {product title} 5X has been added to your order message. 但是它仍然显示相同的{product title} 5X has been added to your order消息中。

Can someone tell me whats wrong. 有人可以告诉我怎么了。

This is my jQuery code. 这是我的jQuery代码。

 var quantity = $(this).data("quantity");
 $('span.itemcount').replaceWith(""+ quantity +" X");

$(this).data("quantity")始终来自静态data-quantity="5" ,其中this是标签A

$(this).data("quantity") $(this).data(“数量”)

will get data from the anchor 将从锚点获取数据

A 一种

tag which will be always 5. you need to get the value from 标记将始终为5。您需要从中获取值

<input type="number" step="1" name="quantity" ... />

You can do that as follows 您可以按照以下步骤进行操作


Here is the code which updates the anchor code from your given link 这是从您给定链接更新锚代码的代码

// JavaScript source code
jQuery(document).ready(function (e) {
    e(document).on("click", ".plus, .minus", function () {
        var t = e(this).closest(".quantity").find(".qty"),
            n = parseFloat(t.val()),
            r = parseFloat(t.attr("max")),
            i = parseFloat(t.attr("min")),
            s = t.attr("step");
        if (!n || n == "" || n == "NaN") n = 0;
        if (r == "" || r == "NaN") r = "";
        if (i == "" || i == "NaN") i = 0;
        if (s == "any" || s == "" || s == undefined || parseFloat(s) == "NaN") s = 1;
            ? r && (r == n || n > r) ? t.val(r) : t.val(n + parseFloat(s))
            : i && (i == n || n < i) ? t.val(i) : n > 0 && t.val(n - parseFloat(s));


I fixed it. 我修好了它。 It works when I use like 当我使用像

 var quantityid = $(this).attr('id');
 var quantity = $("#" + quantityid + "").attr("data-quantity");
 $('span.itemcount').replaceWith(""+ quantity +" X");

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