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[英]Login form in drupal

I've got a problem with drupal 7. Since i moved my website to another server I can't use the login form anymore. 我在drupal 7上遇到了问题。由于我将网站移至另一台服务器,因此无法再使用登录表单。

I can access with the url ?q=user, I see the form but all fields are disabeld. 我可以使用URL?q = user进行访问,我看到了表格,但是所有字段都被拒绝。 When I remove the disabled attribute with firebug and I valid the form nothing happened.. 当我用firebug删除禁用的属性并且我有效时,表单什么也没有发生。

I've searched on google and I didn't see any post like that, does someone have an idea ? 我已经在Google上搜索过,却没有看到这样的帖子,有人知道吗?

Thanks 谢谢

Are your Apache rewrite rules working on the new environment? 您的Apache重写规则是否适用于新环境?

  1. Check that your .htaccess file is present and that your hosting allows you to have some overrides. 检查您的.htaccess文件是否存在,以及托管是否允许您进行一些替代。

  2. Check that the mod_rewrite module is enabled on your new Apache server. 检查新Apache服务器上是否启用了mod_rewrite模块。

You may need to go back in Drupal's admin pages to disable and re-enable the clean URLs. 您可能需要返回Drupal的管理页面来禁用并重新启用干净的URL。

Oh, and did you change and forget to adjust your $cookie_domain variable in your settings.php file in case your domain is different? 哦,您是否更改并忘记了在您的settings.php文件中调整$cookie_domain变量,以防您的域不同?

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