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[英]Sending a Solr query url in SolrNet

I have a certain url representing a Solr request which I would like to send with SolrNet. 我有一个表示Solr请求的特定URL,我想通过SolrNet发送该请求。 The url contains the request handler name and some other parameters such as a stream.url . url包含请求处理程序名称和一些其他参数,例如stream.url How do I generate the request using SolrNet and send it to Solr? 如何使用SolrNet生成请求并将其发送给Solr?

Please illustrate the way to do it with a concrete request. 请通过具体要求说明该方法。 For example: http://localhost:8983/solr/mlt?stream.url=http://lucene.apache.org/solr/&mlt.fl=manu,cat&mlt.interestingTerms=list&mlt.mintf=0 . 例如: http://localhost:8983/solr/mlt?stream.url=http://lucene.apache.org/solr/&mlt.fl=manu,cat&mlt.interestingTerms=list&mlt.mintf=0 Namely, how do I specify in C# code which request handler to use, how do I instantiate all the GET parameters in the above url, and finally, how do I execute the query? 即,如何在C#代码中指定要使用的请求处理程序,如何实例化上述url中的所有GET参数,最后如何执行查询?

You need to reference the SolrNet Wiki Documentation , specifically the following: 您需要参考SolrNet Wiki文档 ,尤其是以下内容:

For additional parameters that are not included directly in SolrNet, see the "Additional Parameters" section at the Querying link above. 有关SolrNet中不直接包含的其他参数,请参见上方查询链接中的“其他参数”部分。

Please look through this information and come back if you have any issues setting things up or executing a query. 请仔细阅读这些信息,如果在设置或执行查询时遇到任何问题,请返回。

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