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[英]Calling Stored Procedure from Database Context generated by Entity Framework

The goal 目标

I'm using C# + MVC 4 + MySQL and I want to call in my controller a method create by Entity Framework 5 to call a stored procedure. 我正在使用C#+ MVC 4 + MySQL,我想在控制器中调用由Entity Framework 5创建的方法来调用存储过程。

The problem 问题

I do not know how to call in my controller the following method, create in .Context.cs file, by Entity Framework: 我不知道如何在我的控制器中调用以下方法,由Entity Framework在.Context.cs文件中创建:

public virtual ObjectResult<getProductsListForHome_Result> getProductsListForHome(Nullable<int> inOffer, Nullable<int> categoryId)
    var inOfferParameter = inOffer.HasValue ?
        new ObjectParameter("inOffer", inOffer) :
        new ObjectParameter("inOffer", typeof(int));

    var categoryIdParameter = categoryId.HasValue ?
        new ObjectParameter("categoryId", categoryId) :
        new ObjectParameter("categoryId", typeof(int));

    return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction<getProductsListForHome_Result>("getProductsListForHome", inOfferParameter, categoryIdParameter);

What I have 我有的

I already tried this: 我已经试过了:

// GET: /Products/
public ActionResult Index()
    IEnumerable<getProductsListForHome_Result> products = db.getProductsListForHome(1, 14);

    var test = string.Join(",", (object[])products.ToArray());

    return Content(test);

And when I access /Products/ (the Index() method of Products' Controller) , I see a blank page with this: MyApp.Models.getProductsListForHome_Result . 当我访问/ Products /(产品的Controller的Index()方法)时 ,我看到一个空白页面: MyApp.Models.getProductsListForHome_Result

So I ask: what I have to do? 所以我问:我该怎么办?


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