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[英]LessCssProcessor import and declaration for wro4j

I'm trying to use a LessCss processor in my maven project using wro4j version 1.45. 我正在尝试使用wro4j 1.45版在我的maven项目中使用LessCss处理器。 I use this import statement and I get an error at build time saying it isn't recognized. 我使用此import语句,并且在构建时收到一条错误消息,指出无法识别。 import ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.support.less.LessCssProcessor;

All help is appreciated 感谢所有帮助

I figured it out. 我想到了。 The import statement was wrong, here is the correct import statement: import ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.css.LessCssProcessor; import语句错误,这是正确的import语句: import ro.isdc.wro.extensions.processor.css.LessCssProcessor;

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