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[英]Compiler Error - Identifier undefined

I have a fairly simple C++ code that doesn't seem to be compiling properly. 我有一个相当简单的C ++代码,似乎无法正确编译。 Essentially, I have some globally defined functions declared in my GLOBAL.HPP file, and are defined in my GLOBAL.CPP file. 本质上,我在GLOBAL.HPP文件中声明了一些全局定义的函数,并在GLOBAL.CPP文件中定义了这些函数。 Then I have a class, EuroOption, that consists of a struct datamember. 然后,我有一个EuroOption类,它由一个struct数据成员组成。 The class EuroOption has its own member functions that essentially do the same exact thing that the global functions do--so I defined them similarly, and just called global functions inside of the EuroOption member function definitions. EuroOption类具有其自己的成员函数,这些成员函数实际上执行的功能与全局函数完全相同,因此我以类似的方式定义了它们,并在EuroOption成员函数定义中称为全局函数。 Please see below: 请看下面:


#ifndef GLOBAL_HPP
#define GLOBAL_HPP

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp>
#include <boost/math/distributions.hpp> // For non-member functions of distributions

using namespace std;
//using namespace boost::math;

namespace GLOBAL // Encapsulate Point in the Global namespace

struct EuroOptionData
    double r;       // Interest rate
    double sig;     // Volatility
    double K;       // Strike price
    double T;       // Expiry date
    double b;       // Cost of carry

double n(double x);
double N(double x);
double CallPrice(EuroOptionData od, double S);
double PutPrice(EuroOptionData od, double S);
double PutParity(EuroOptionData od, double S);
double CallParity (EuroOptionData od, double S);

} // Close namespace GLOBAL


Here is the EuroOption.HPP file: 这是EuroOption.HPP文件:



#include <string>
#include "Global.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace GLOBAL;

class EuroOption

    struct EuroOptionData od;

    //EuroOption class functions
    EuroOption();                               // Default     call option
    EuroOption(const EuroOption& option2);      // Copy constructor
    virtual ~EuroOption();                      //Destructor

    //EuroOption Global Function Calls
    double EuroCallPrice(EuroOptionData od, double S);
    double EuroPutPrice(EuroOptionData od, double S);
    double EuroCallParity(EuroOptionData od, double S);
    double EuroPutParity(EuroOptionData od, double S);

    //EuroOption class operators
    EuroOption& operator = (const EuroOption& option2); //Assignment Operator



And a snippet of the EuroOption.CPP file: 以及EuroOption.CPP文件的摘要:


#include "EuroOption.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>

using namespace GLOBAL;

double EuroOption::EuroCallPrice(EuroOptionData od, double S)
    return CallPrice(od,S);

double EuroOption::EuroPutPrice(EuroOptionData od, double S)
    return CallPrice(od,S);


And finally, a snippet of my Test.CPP file where I test functionality: 最后,是我测试功能的Test.CPP文件的摘要:


#include "Global.hpp"
#include "EuroOption.hpp"
#include <iostream>

using namespace GLOBAL;

int main()
EuroOption Batch1;      //Initialize EuroOption class object Batch1

    cout << "S1: "; double S1; cin >> S1;
    cout << "Stock Call Option: " << EuroCallPrice(Batch1.od, S1) << endl;
    cout << "Stock Put Option: " << EuroPutPrice(Batch1.od, S1) <<endl;
    cout << "Put Call Parity - Call Option:"<< EuroCallParity(Batch1.od, S1)<<endl;
    cout << "Put Call Parity - Put Option: "<< EuroPutParity(Batch1.od, S1)<<endl;
    //****None of these functions compile.  They all state "identifier EuroCallPrice (..etc.) is undefined."

    cout << "S1: "; double S1; cin >> S1;
    cout << "Stock Call Option: " << CallPrice(Batch1.od, S1) << endl;
    cout << "Stock Put Option: " << PutPrice(Batch1.od, S1) <<endl;
    cout << "Put Call Parity - Call Option:"<< CallParity(Batch1.od, S1)<<endl;
    cout << "Put Call Parity - Put Option: "<< PutParity(Batch1.od, S1)<<endl;
    //****These functions all compile properly.  They are the original global functions.

I realize this is a lot of code to sift through, but any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 我意识到这是很多代码,但任何想法都将不胜感激。 As noted in the above code, the original global functions work perfectly, but I want to use the class EuroOption function to call that global function. 如上面的代码所述,原始的全局函数可以完美运行,但是我想使用类EuroOption函数来调用该全局函数。

Many thanks! 非常感谢!

Silly me! 傻我! All i needed to do was call the EuroCallPrice...etc functions on Batch1. 我需要做的就是在Batch1上调用EuroCallPrice ... etc函数。

Thanks for all your help! 感谢你的帮助!

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