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[英]Find a string and replace specific letters in batch file

I have a to create an autosys job to trigger a batch file which would find a specific string and then replace the next 4 characters.我必须创建一个 autosys 作业来触发一个批处理文件,该文件会找到一个特定的字符串,然后替换接下来的 4 个字符。

For example if file (with multiple lines) has below content and i am searching for played例如,如果文件(具有多行)具有以下内容并且我正在搜索播放

the mad fox jumped of the old vine and played soccer.疯狐狸跳下老藤,踢足球。

I should replace "socc" with "INFA"我应该用“INFA”替换“socc”

I am new to batch files and my lead has been insisting that i do this using a batch file only.我是批处理文件的新手,我的领导一直坚持我只使用批处理文件来执行此操作。 Any help would be greatly apprciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

Thanks, Joy谢谢,乔伊

@echo off &setlocal
set "search=search string"
set "replace=kordo anstataui"
set "textfile=file.txt"
set "newfile=new.txt"

(for /f "delims=" %%i in ('findstr /n "^" "%textfile%"') do (
    set "line=%%i"
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set "line=!line:%search%=%replace%!"
type "%newfile%"

Apparently you are searching for "played " with a space at the end, although your question is a bit vague.显然,您正在搜索末尾带有空格的“播放”,尽管您的问题有点含糊。

See my hybrid JScript/batch utility called REPL.BAT that does regular expression search and replace.请参阅我的名为 REPL.BAT 的混合 JScript/批处理实用程序,它执行正则表达式搜索和替换。 It works on any modern version of Windows from XP onward, and it does not require installation of any 3rd party executeables.它适用于 XP 以后的任何现代版本的 Windows,并且不需要安装任何 3rd 方可执行文件。


type "yourFile.txt"|repl "played ...." "played INFA" >"yourFile.txt.new"
move /y "yourFile.txt.new" "yourFile.txt" >nul

I use this at times: sar.bat我有时使用它:sar.bat

::Search and replace
@echo off
if "%~3"=="" (
echo.Search and replace
echo Syntax: 
echo "%~nx0" "filein.txt" "fileout.txt" "regex" "replace_text" [first]
echo.EG: change the first time apple appears on each line, to orange
echo."%~nx0" "my text old.txt" "my text changed.txt" "apple" "orange" first
echo.People that are familiar with regular expressions can use some:
echo.Change every line starting from old (and everything after it^) to new
echo."%~nx0" "my text old.txt" "my text changed.txt" "old.*" "new"
echo.If [first] is present only the first occurrence per line is changed
echo.To make the search case sensitive change
echo.IgnoreCase= from True to False
goto :EOF
if "%~5"=="" (set global=true) else (set global=false)
set s=regex.replace(wscript.stdin.readall,"%~4")
 >_.vbs echo set regex=new regexp
>>_.vbs echo regex.global=%global%
>>_.vbs echo regEx.IgnoreCase=True
>>_.vbs echo regex.pattern="%~3"
>>_.vbs echo wscript.stdOut.write %s%
cscript /nologo _.vbs <"%~1" >"%~2"
del _.vbs
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "search=played "
set replacement=INFA
set numChars=4

set line=the mad fox jumped of the old vine and played soccer. 

rem The characters after the equal-signs are Ascii-254
for /F "tokens=1* delims=■" %%a in ("!line:%search%=■!") do (
   set "rightPart=%%b"
   set "line=%%a%search%%replacement%!rightPart:~%numChars%!"

echo !line!


the mad fox jumped of the old vine and played INFAer.

You must insert previous code into a loop that process the entire file.您必须将先前的代码插入到处理整个文件的循环中。 I left that part as an exercise for you...我把那部分留给你作为练习......


sed -e 's/socc/INFA/g' inputFileName > outputFileName

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