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C ++中的结构中的模板问题

[英]Issue with template in structs struct in c++

I have a struct in c++ which is something like this: 我在C ++中有一个结构,如下所示:

struct mystruct {
  template <typename T>
  T myproc() {
    std::cout << "RETURNING T";
    return T();

Now this struct already exists(this is just a sample replica of exact struct) which I need to use. 现在,该结构已经存在(这只是精确结构的示例副本),我需要使用它。 What I am trying to do is call the method myproc() like below: 我想做的是调用方法myproc()如下所示:

    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
      mystruct dummystruct;
      int y = dummystruct.myproc();
      return 0;

But it gives me this compilation error: 但这给了我这个编译错误:

    error C2783: 'T mystruct::myproc(void)' : could not deduce template argument for 'T'
    see declaration of 'mystruct::myproc'

which I know is because the compiler has no way to know what is T . 我知道这是因为编译器无法知道T是什么。

So my question is, is the function declaration in struct proper? 所以我的问题是,结构体中的函数声明是否正确? I don't think so but this code already exists in one of our old code, so I thought I should get others opinion on it. 我不这么认为,但是该代码已经存在于我们的旧代码之一中,所以我认为我应该对此发表意见。

So I know it is wrong, but if someone thinks its correct, please explain me how to use it then. 所以我知道它是错误的,但是如果有人认为它是正确的,那么请向我解释如何使用它。

T represents a type, such as int . T表示类型,例如int Writing return T; 写作return T; will be the same as return int; 将与return int;相同return int; when T is an int . Tint Is return int; return int; valid? 有效?

You can call your function template as: dummy.myproc<int>(); 您可以将函数模板调用为: dummy.myproc<int>(); . You have to tell it what T is by writing <int> . 您必须通过编写<int>来告知T是什么。 If however the function took a T argument then the compiler would be able to deduce what T is by seeing the type of the argument. 但是,如果函数采用了T参数,则编译器将能够通过查看参数的类型来推断T是什么。 For example dummy.myproc(2.3) would resolve as T being a double because 2.3 is a double. 例如dummy.myproc(2.3)将解析为Tdouble dummy.myproc(2.3)因为2.3是双dummy.myproc(2.3)

I'm actually surprised that compiled (if it did initially?). 我实际上对编译后的内容感到惊讶(如果最初这样做的话?)。

A template can be thought of as a type. 可以将模板视为一种类型。 You wouldn't return a type would you? 您不会返回类型吗?

Your code can be looked as this. 您的代码可以如下所示。

struct mystruct {
  int myproc() {
    std::cout << "RETURNING INT";
    return int;

Which isn't very valid. 这不是很有效。

If you want to return the default constructed value you are going to need to put parentheses. 如果要返回默认的构造值,则需要加上括号。

struct mystruct {
  template <typename T>
  T myproc() {
    std::cout << "RETURNING T";
    return T();

However, since the template parameter isn't deducible in the context of s.myproc() you're going to have to do s.myproc<mytype>() . 但是,由于在s.myproc()的上下文中不可推导template参数, s.myproc()您将不得不执行s.myproc<mytype>()

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