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[英]lvalue binding to rvalue reference

I am trying to understand how lvalues bind to rvalue references. 我试图了解左值如何绑定到右值引用。 Consider this code: 考虑以下代码:

#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
void f(T&& x) {
    std::cout << x;

void g(int&& x) {
    std::cout << x;

int main() {
    int x = 4;
    return 0;

While the call to f() is fine, the call to g() gives a compile-time error. 虽然对f()的调用很好,但对g()的调用却给出了编译时错误。 Does this kind of binding work only for templates? 这种绑定仅适用于模板吗? Why? 为什么? Can we somehow do it without templates? 没有模板,我们能以某种方式做到吗?

Since T is a template argument, T&& becomes a forwarding-reference . 由于T是模板参数,因此T&&成为转发引用 Due to reference collapsing rules, f(T& &&) becomes f(T&) for lvalues and f(T &&) becomes f(T&&) for rvalues. 由于参考塌陷规则, f(T& &&)变为f(T&)为左值和f(T &&)变为f(T&&)为右值。

0x499602D2 has already answered your question ; 0x499602D2已经回答了您的问题 nevertheless, the following changes to your code might give further insights. 但是,对代码的以下更改可能会提供进一步的见解。

I have added a static_assert to f to check the deduced type: 我在f添加了一个static_assert来检查推导的类型:

#include <type_traits>

template<typename T>
void f(T&& x) {
    static_assert(std::is_same<T&&, int&>::value,"");
    std::cout << x;

The assert does not fail, so the type of x in f is eventually int& (in this particular example). 断言不会失败,所以类型xf是最终int&在此特定示例中)。

I have changed how g is called in main : 我已经更改了main g的调用方式:


Now the code compiles and the program works as expected and prints 44 . 现在,代码已编译,程序按预期工作并打印44

Hope this helps a bit in understanding rvalue references. 希望这有助于理解右值引用。

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