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[英]CPU Usage Per Process in Python

Is it possible for me to see the amount of processor usage (% of maximum) that the current, python, app is using? 我是否可以看到当前python应用程序使用的处理器使用量(最大值的百分比)?

Scenario: My host will allow me to run my app as long as it does not consume more then X% of the CPU power, so I would like it to 'keep an eye on itself' and slowdown. 场景:我的主机允许我运行我的应用程序,只要它不消耗超过X%的CPU功率,所以我希望它“关注自己”并放慢速度。 So how can I know how much CPU the app is using? 那么我怎么知道应用程序使用了多少CPU?

Target platform is *nix, however I would like to do it on a Win host also. 目标平台是* nix,但是我想在Win主机上也这样做。

>>> import os
>>> os.times()
(1.296875, 0.765625, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
>>> print os.times.__doc__
times() -> (utime, stime, cutime, cstime, elapsed_time)

Return a tuple of floating point numbers indicating process times.

From the (2.5) manual: 从(2.5)手册:

times( ) 次()

Return a 5-tuple of floating point numbers indicating accumulated (processor or other) times, in seconds. 返回一个5元组的浮点数,表示累计(处理器或其他)时间,以秒为单位。 The items are: user time, system time, children's user time, children's system time, and elapsed real time since a fixed point in the past, in that order. 这些项目包括:用户时间,系统时间,孩子的用户时间,孩子的系统时间,以及自上一个固定点以来经过的实际时间。 See the Unix manual page times(2) or the corresponding Windows Platform API documentation. 请参阅Unix手册页时间(2)或相应的Windows Platform API文档。 Availability: Macintosh, Unix, Windows. 可用性:Macintosh,Unix,Windows。

By using psutil : 通过使用psutil

>>> import psutil
>>> p = psutil.Process()
>>> p.cpu_times()
cputimes(user=0.06, system=0.03)
>>> p.cpu_percent(interval=1)

The resource module provides getrusage which can give you the information you need, at least for Unix-like platforms. resource模块提供getrusage ,可以为您提供所需的信息,至少对于类Unix平台而言。

Note that CPU usage as a percentage is always measured over a time interval. 请注意,CPU使用率百分比始终是在一段时间内测量的。 Essentially, it is the amount of time taken by your program doing something divided by the interval time. 从本质上讲,它是程序执行某些操作所花费的时间除以间隔时间。

For example, if your application takes 2 seconds of CPU time over a 5 second period, then it can be said to be using 40% of the CPU. 例如,如果您的应用程序在5秒的时间内占用2秒的CPU时间,那么可以说它占用了40%的CPU。

Note that this calculation, as simple as it seems, can get tricky when using a multiprocessor system. 请注意,使用多处理器系统时,这种计算很简单,可能会变得棘手。 If your application uses 7 seconds of CPU time in 5 seconds of wall clock time on a two-processor system, do you say it is uses 140% or 70% CPU? 如果您的应用程序在双处理器系统上在5秒的挂钟时间内使用7秒的CPU时间,您说它是使用140%还是70%的CPU?

Update: As gimel mentions, the os.times function also provides this information in a platform-independent way. 更新:正如gimel所提到的, os.times函数还以独立于平台的方式提供此信息。 The above calculation notes still apply, of course. 当然,上述计算说明仍然适用。

Use time.clock() to get the CPU time. 使用time.clock()来获取CPU时间。 To get the percentage of CPU usage do CPU time elapsed/time elapsed 要获得CPU使用百分比,请执行CPU时间/经过的时间

For example, if CPU time elapsed is 0.2 and time elapsed is 1 then the cpu usage is 20%. 例如,如果经过的CPU时间为0.2且经过的时间为1,则CPU使用率为20%。

Note:You have to divide by by number of processers you have. 注意:您必须除以您拥有的处理器数量。 If you have 2 ie a dual core: 如果你有2即双核:

import decimal,timeit
def torture():
import time
while 1:

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