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Laravel 4-捕获错误

[英]Laravel 4 - Catch errors

It seems like its not possible to catch errors yourself, insted of getting the laravel 4 error output. 似乎无法自己捕获错误,以获取laravel 4错误输出。

For example if i try: 例如,如果我尝试:

    $databaseConfig = Config::get('database.connections.mysql');
    $connect = mysql_connect($databaseConfig['host'], $databaseConfig['username'], $databaseConfig['password']);
    if (!$connect)
        return 'error';

If a error occurs i won't get the "error", insted laravel shows me the exception (on that orange site). 如果发生错误,我将不会收到“错误”消息,插入的laravel会向我显示异常(在该橙色站点上)。

The same if you go ahead and try a 如果继续尝试尝试同样的方法

try {
    $pdo = DB::connection('mysql')->getPdo();
    catch(PDOException $exception) {
    return Response::make('Database error! ' . $exception->getCode());

Is there any way to do that? 有什么办法吗?

The code you provided should work just fine. 您提供的代码应该可以正常工作。 If I put this in my routes.php, I see the expected error string (without the orange). 如果将其放在我的routes.php中,则会看到预期的错误字符串(无橙色)。

Route::get('error', function() {
        $pdo = DB::connection('mysql')->getPdo();
    catch(PDOException $exception)
        return Response::make('Database error! ' . $exception->getCode());
    return 'all fine';

What might be happening here, is that your PDOException isn't caught. 这里可能发生的是没有捕获到您的PDOException。 Try added a backslash to the PDOException so you'll be sure it's the one defined in the root and not in the current namespace. 尝试在PDOException中添加一个反斜杠,以确保它是在根目录而不是在当前名称空间中定义的反斜杠。

catch(\PDOException $exception)

Also, try to run the code directly from within the routes.php file and see if it behaves the same. 另外,尝试直接从routes.php文件中运行代码,并查看其行为是否相同。

Take a look at this page: http://laravel.com/docs/errors 看一下此页面: http : //laravel.com/docs/errors

Quick example: 快速示例:

App::error(function(PDOException $e)

    return Response::make('Database error! ' . $exception->getCode());
App::error(function(Exception $exception) {
echo '<pre>';
echo 'MESSAGE :: ';
echo '<br> CODE ::';
echo '<br> FILE NAME ::';
echo '<br> LINE NUMBER ::';
die();// if you want than only

put this code in your route file... 将此代码放在您的路由文件中...
you will get ERROR MESSAGE with FILE NAME and ERROR LINE 您将收到带有文件名和错误行的错误消息
all most errors will be covered. 所有大多数错误都将被涵盖。

I know my answer is very late. 我知道我的回答很晚。 But after referencing from above answers, I hadn't solved the problem. 但是从上面的答案中引用之后,我还没有解决问题。

After looking at this site (very clear explanation here): https://stackify.com/php-try-catch-php-exception-tutorial/ 看完这个网站后(这里非常清楚的解释): https : //stackify.com/php-try-catch-php-exception-tutorial/

Here is an additional answer: 这是一个附加答案:


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