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[英]How to make tip position absolute for foundation joyride?

One of my joyride tips is attached to a link on the navigation header (which has absolute positioning). 我的Joyride技巧之一附加到导航标题上的链接(具有绝对定位)。

How can I add custom styling to that particular joyride tip to make it have absolute positioning as well? 如何为该特定的操纵手柄尖端添加自定义样式,以使其也具有绝对定位? The joyride docs indicate that I can create custom styles for the default classes but the default classes aren't specific to each particular joyride tip. joyride文档指示我可以为默认类创建自定义样式,但是默认类并非特定于每个特定的joyride技巧。

In Step 3 of their documentation, they show an example of how to add your own custom class to each tip: http://zurb.com/playground/jquery-joyride-feature-tour-plugin 在他们的文档的第3步中,他们显示了如何向每个技巧添加自己的自定义类的示例:http: //zurb.com/playground/jquery-joyride-feature-tour-plugin

<li data-id="parentElementID" class="custom-class">Content...</li>
<li data-class="parentElementClass" class="custom-class">Content...</li>

This will generated out something like this. 这将生成类似这样的内容。

<div class="joyride-tip-guide custom-class" data-index="0">...</div>

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