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[英]xml validation(DTD) using lxml(python)

There is a brief explanation of validation based on XML here . 有基于XML验证的简要说明这里 I am trying to parse an XML file that refers to nested DTD's ie: XML file refers to a DTD, which refers to other DTD's. 我试图解析一个XML文件,该XML文件引用了嵌套的DTD,即:XML文件引用了一个DTD,它引用了其他DTD。

The error I get is Namespace prefix SomeNameSpace on Config is not defined. 我得到的错误是未定义Config上的命名空间前缀SomeNameSpace。 All I am trying to do is parse the xml using etree.parse which is an API on lxml. 我要做的就是使用etree.parse解析xml,etree.parse是lxml上的API。 My question is: 我的问题是:

  1. Can I just turn off the validation (I am assuming the xml is correct)? 我可以关闭验证功能吗(我假设xml是正确的)?
  2. How exactly can i provide lxml all the nested DTDs , so it doesn't complain about any of the tags? 我怎么能为lxml提供所有嵌套的DTD,所以它不会抱怨任何标签?

I see similar questions, but nothing that answers this question. 我看到类似的问题,但没有任何答案。

A while back I tried to do something similar and wasn't able to find a solution. 前一段时间,我试图做类似的事情,但找不到解决方案。 I finally wrote the script below which opens the XML file and looks for a DTD using a regex. 我最终在下面编写了脚本,该脚本打开XML文件并使用正则表达式查找DTD。 It also has an override to take the DTD path on the command line, which was a requirement I had. 它还有一个替代,可以在命令行上使用DTD路径,这是我的要求。

If lxml handles nested DTDs then the code below should work for you. 如果lxml处理嵌套的DTD,则下面的代码将为您工作。

To be honest I thought it was a bit of a hack to read the file myself, but it was the only way I found. 老实说,我认为自己读取文件有点麻烦,但这是我找到的唯一方法。

import re
import sys
import os.path
import codecs
from lxml import etree

def main(args):
    if len(args)<1:
        print("Not enough arguments given.  Expected:")
        print("\tvalidatexml <xml file name> [<dtd file name>]\n")

    dtdRe = re.compile('.*<!DOCTYPE .* ["\'](.*\.dtd)["\']>.*')
    theDtd = None
    inFile = args[0]
    fdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(inFile))
    if len(args)==2:
        theDtd = os.path.abspath(args[1])
        with codecs.open(args[0], 'r', 'utf-8') as inf:
            for ln in inf:
                mtch = dtdRe.match(ln)
                if mtch:
                    if os.path.isabs(mtch.group(1)):
                        theDtd = mtch.group(1)
                        theDtd = os.path.abspath(fdir + '/' + mtch.group(1))
    if theDtd is None:
        print("No DTD specified!")

    if not os.path.exists(theDtd):
        print("The DTD ({}) does not exist!".format(theDtd))

    print('Using DTD:', theDtd)

    parser = etree.XMLParser(dtd_validation=True)
    dtd = etree.DTD(open(theDtd))
    tree = etree.parse(args[0])

    valid = dtd.validate(tree)
    if (valid):
        print("XML was valid!")

        print("XML was not valid:")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Can you try parse by Beautiful Soup ? 您可以尝试通过Beautiful Soup解析吗? Errors still is exists? 错误仍然存​​在吗?

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