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[英]PriorityBinding - Use different StringFormat for each binding in a Label

In my WPF project, I have a Label : 在我的WPF项目中,我有一个Label

<Label Grid.Column="1"
        <Binding Path="Worker.Employer.Name" StringFormat="Employer: {0}" />
        <Binding Source="Unemployed" />

The StringFormat on doesn't seem to do anything. StringFormat似乎没有执行任何操作。 However, if I add this: 但是,如果我添加以下内容:

    Employer: {0}

... the formatting works, but it affects both bindings. ...格式有效,但是会影响两个绑定。 How can I apply the StringFormat to only the top binding? 如何将StringFormat仅应用于顶部绑定?

Update: So short of using a TextBlock instead of a Label , is there any way to accomplish this? 更新:这么不使用TextBlock而不是Label ,有什么方法可以做到这一点?

StringFormat is for string (eg TextBlock.Text), but label.Content is type of object and there for you have to use ContentStringFormat for Label. StringFormat用于字符串(例如TextBlock.Text),但是label.Content是对象的类型,因此您必须将ContentStringFormat用于Label。

edit: to your question - if you can chang label to TextBlock then you have no problems anymore. 编辑:对您的问题-如果您可以将标签更改为TextBlock,那么您就不再有问题了。 but if you wanna stay with label i would guess you have to use a converter to apply your string format. 但是,如果您想留下标签,我想您必须使用转换器来应用您的字符串格式。

As already explained StringFormat only works when the target property type is text. 如前所述,StringFormat仅在目标属性类型为text时有效。

One solution would be to use a ValueConverter to format the result, you can pass in the format string as the ConverterParameter. 一种解决方案是使用ValueConverter格式化结果,您可以将格式字符串作为ConverterParameter传入。

Failing that create an attached DependencyProperty of type string 无法创建附加的字符串类型的DependencyProperty

public static class Helper {
    public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Text", typeof(string), typeof(Helper));

   public static string GetText(DependencyObject o) {
     return (string)o.GetValue(TextProperty);

   public static void SetText(DependencyObject o, string value) {

Then you can do 那你可以做

<Label Grid.Column="1"
       Content="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=(ui:Helper.Text)}">
        <Binding Path="Worker.Employer.Name" StringFormat="Employer: {0}" />
        <Binding Source="Unemployed" />

The problem describe in the comments may be related to This Question and so the XAML might need to look like this. 注释中描述的问题可能与此问题有关 ,因此XAML可能需要看起来像这样。

<Label Grid.Column="1"
       Grid.Row="1" >
       <Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}"  Path="(ui:Helper.Text)" />
          <Binding Path="Worker.Employer.Name" StringFormat="Employer: {0}" />
          <Binding Source="Unemployed" />

Or from this MSDN question you could do 或者从这个MSDN问题中您可以做

<Label Grid.Column="1"
       Grid.Row="1" >
          <Binding Path="Worker.Employer.Name" StringFormat="Employer: {0}" />
          <Binding Source="Unemployed" />
         <Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}"  Path="(ui:Helper.Text)" />

Make sure that you bind the xmlns for ui to the namespace of your Helper class 确保将ui的xmlns绑定到Helper类的名称空间

You could always put the Content relative source binding into a style to avoid repeating it for all labels. 您始终可以将“内容”相对源绑定放入一种样式中,以避免对所有标签重复进行。

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