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[英]How to add my own custom User Control inside an UpdatePanel?

This is my User Control: 这是我的用户控件:


and this is the function called by an asp:DropDownList at OnSelectedIndexChanged stage: 这是在OnSelectedIndexChanged阶段由asp:DropDownList调用的函数:

protected void ddCategoriaHasChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // my asp:Panel

I want to add this control inside that categoriaCaricata panel. 我想将此控件添加到该categoriaCaricata面板中。 How can I do it? 我该怎么做? Someone warning me about using DynamicControlsPlaceHolder , but it is not clear how it works and why. 有人警告我有关使用DynamicControlsPlaceHolder ,但目前尚不清楚其工作方式以及原因。

Can you give to me a smart example? 你能给我一个聪明的例子吗?

You can register the control in your page: 您可以在页面中注册控件:

<%@ Register Src="~/Controls/AutomezziEAttrezzature.ascx" TagName="Automezzi" TagPrefix="uc1" %>

and then use it 然后用它

<uc1:Automezzi ID="ctlAutomezzi" runat="server" />    

If you need to assign properties to your UC, and load it dynamically, you should do somwthing like this" 如果您需要为UC分配属性并进行动态加载,则应执行以下操作:“

This is VB.net code (An example only), but should help you out as its pretty basic UC stuff 这是VB.net代码(仅作为示例),但作为基本的UC内容应该可以帮助您

Dim myDatesControl As New UserControl
myDatesControl = Page.LoadControl("~/bookingControls/ucDates.ascx")

        With CType(myDatesControl, controls_ucDates)
            .checkInDate = Session("nowcheckin")
            .checkOutDate = Session("nowcheckout")
            .Nights = "xxx"
            .guid = currentBookingFilter.guid
            .ExtraInfo = currentBookingFilter
        End With


If you don't need to assign dynamic properties, then just add your control to the panel/page manually, design time, and hide it. 如果不需要分配动态属性,则只需将控件手动添加到面板/页面中,设计时间,然后将其隐藏即可。 The you can show it when you need to. 您可以在需要时显示它。

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