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[英]Connect-redis store don't work with socket.io

I have an easy question for someone who use connect-redis. 对于使用connect-redis的人,我有一个简单的问题。

I want to use it with socket.io with the function io.set('store', something) . 我想在socket.io中使用它与函数io.set('store', something) I don't know why, when I do 当我这样做时,我不知道为什么

var RedisSessionStore = require('connect-redis')(express);
var sessionStore = new RedisSessionStore();

  secret: 'some totally secret key',
  cookie: {
    maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60
  store: sessionStore

//and then I wan't to use the session store for socket.io
io.set('store', sessionStore);

It says Object #<RedisStore> has no method 'subscribe' 它说Object #<RedisStore> has no method 'subscribe'

connect-redis is a Redis-backed session store for Connect/Express, but it's incompatible with the 'store protocol' that socket.io uses. connect-redis是Redis支持的Connect / Express会话存储,但它与socket.io使用的“存储协议”不兼容。

Instead, you need to use the Redis store implementation shipped with socket.io : 相反,您需要使用socket.io附带的Redis存储实现:

var SocketIoRedisStore = require('socket.io/lib/stores/redis'),
    redis              = require('socket.io/node_modules/redis');
io.set('store', new SocketIoRedisStore({
  redisPub    : redis.createClient(),
  redisSub    : redis.createClient(),
  redisClient : redis.createClient()

( docs ) docs

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