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使用默认值从 SelectList 创建 DropDownListFor

[英]Create DropDownListFor from SelectList with default value

I have a dropdownlistfor :我有一个dropdownlistfor

 @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Item.Item.Status, new SelectList(@Model.AllStatus, "id", "Description"), new { id = "statusDropdown" })
 @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Item.Item.Status)

HTML output: HTML 输出:

<select id="statusDropdown" class="valid" name="Item.Item.Status" data-val-required="The Status field is required." data-val-number="The field Status must be a number." data-val="true">
<option value="2">Completed by Admin</option>
<option value="3">General Error</option>
<option value="4">New</option>

How can I update this code to set a default selected option?如何更新此代码以设置默认选择的选项? EG例如

<option value="4" selected>New</option>

I tried:我试过了:

 @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Item.Item.Status, new SelectList(@Model.AllStatus, "id", "Description",@Model.SelectedStatusIndex), new { id = "statusDropdown" })

@Model.SelectedStatusIndex has a value of 4, but does not change the default option to New. @Model.SelectedStatusIndex的值为 4,但不会将默认选项更改为 New。

I also tried:我也试过:

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedStatusIndex, new SelectList(@Model.AllStatus, "id", "Description"), new { id = "statusDropdown" })
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Item.Item.Status)

This selects the default option "New", but model.Item.Item.Status is not set by the dropdown on HTTP POST.这将选择默认选项“新建”,但 HTTP POST 上的下拉列表未设置model.Item.Item.Status

Other Detail:其他细节:

model.Item.Item.Status is an int. model.Item.Item.Status是一个整数。 @Model.AllStatus is a SQL table that lists all available status options. @Model.AllStatus是一个 SQL 表,列出了所有可用的状态选项。

There exist already some discussions about that here or there .已经有一些关于这里那里的讨论。 One of the problems might be using a different type than string for the key value.问题之一可能是使用与string不同的类型作为键值。 I had similar problems in past and I know that i solved it like this - explicitly setting the Selected property when preparing the list (in your case, AlLStatus ).我曾在过去类似的问题,我知道,我解决它像这样-明确设置Selected准备列表(在你的情况,当时的物业AlLStatus )。

Would mean, for your case (in controller action):意味着,对于您的情况(在控制器操作中):

IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList = 
from s in allStatus // where ever you get this from, database etc.
select new SelectListItem
    Selected = (s.id == model.Item.Item.Status),
    Text = cs.Description,
    Value = s.id.ToString()
model.AllStatus = selectList;

This is in addition to the answers above.这是对上述答案的补充。 This is how I would have done it.这就是我要做的。

The view model is there to represent your data.视图模型用于表示您的数据。 So for a single drop down list I would have the following:因此,对于单个下拉列表,我将具有以下内容:

public class MyViewModel
     public int StatusId { get; set; }

     public IEnumerable<Status> Statuses { get; set; }

And the Status class would look like this: Status 类看起来像这样:

public class Status
     public int Id { get; set; }

     public string Description { get; set; }

The controller's action method to handle the view:控制器处理视图的操作方法:

public class MyController
     private readonly IStatusService statusService;

     public MyController(IStatusService statusService)
          this.statusService = statusService;

     public ActionResult MyActionMethod()
          MyViewModel viewModel = new MyViewModel
               Statuses = statusService.GetAll(),
               StatusId = 4 // Set the default value

          return View(viewModel);

The view will look like this:视图将如下所示:

@model MyProject.ViewModels.MyViewModel

     x => x.StatusId,
     new SelectList(Model.Statuses, "Id", "Description", Model.StatusId),
     "-- Select --"
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.StatusId)

There you go.你去吧。

I ended up using a variant of thomasjaworski's answer.我最终使用了 thomasjaworski 答案的变体。


@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedStatusIndex, new SelectList(@Model.StatusSelectList, "Value", "Text"), new { id = "statusDropdown" })

ViewModel constructor视图模型构造函数

        StatusSelectList = AllStatus.Select(x =>
                                        new StatusSelectListItem
                                            Text = x.Description,
                                            Value = x.id.ToString()

        this.SelectedStatusIndex = 2;//Default Status is New

Controller on HTTP POST HTTP POST 上的控制器

I set model.Item.Item.Status seperately from the dropdown itself:我将model.Item.Item.Status与下拉菜单本身分开设置:

model.Item.Item.Status = model.SelectedStatusIndex;

because the dropdown set's the value of the expression passed as the first argument:因为下拉列表是作为第一个参数传递的表达式的值:

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedStatusIndex, new SelectList(@Model.StatusSelectList, "Value", "Text"), new { id = "statusDropdown" })

In this case model.SelectedStatusIndex is what is set by the dropdown.在这种情况下, model.SelectedStatusIndex是下拉列表设置的内容。 This controller implementation is what I found to be tricky.我发现这个控制器实现很棘手。

You can use "Insert" for adding default value of Dropdown and add it to your Dynamic list : By this way you don't need to use Razor in your View.您可以使用“插入”来添加 Dropdown 的默认值并将其添加到您的动态列表中:这样您就不需要在视图中使用 Razor。

List<Y> m = X.GetList();
m.Insert(0, new Y{ Name = "--Select--" });
SelectList ProductSizeList = new SelectList(_context.Sizes, "SizeId", "SizeName");

//after you create the selectList you have to create the default select list item            
SelectListItem AllSize = new SelectListItem("All Size", "0");

// and after this you add this item to the begin of the selectlist
ViewData["SizeId"] = ProductSizeList.Prepend(AllSize);

I assign DropDownListFor's expression with value which is already defined in List.我为 DropDownListFor 的表达式分配了已在 List 中定义的值。 It works for me.这个对我有用。 I use List<SelectListItem> Model.IncidentPriorityList for ddwn's selectlist.我使用List<SelectListItem> Model.IncidentPriorityList Model.IncidentPriorityList 作为 ddwn 的选择列表。

Model.incident.INCIDENT_PRIORITY_ID = Model.DefaultParameterId;
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.incident.INCIDENT_PRIORITY_ID, Model.IncidentPriorityList, "Select", new { @class = "form-control selectpicker", id = "drpPriority", @required = true })

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