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Primefaces - ui:重复组件不会更新

[英]Primefaces - ui:repeat component does not update

I have a problem to ajax update an ui:repeat. 我有一个问题,ajax更新一个ui:重复。 The update is triggered from a commandButton outside the ui:repeat (see the code below). 更新是从ui:repeat之外的commandButton触发的(请参阅下面的代码)。 The variable priceHour is required to calculate the other prices (week, Monat..) 变量priceHour需要计算其他价格(周,Monat ..)

<h:form id="myForm">
<ui:repeat id="alvs" var="alv" value="#{myBean.allV}" >  
    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{alv.status == 'ON'}" > 
    <div class="pricing">

        <h:outputText styleClass="bold" value="#{alv.shortName}: "/>

        <p:inputText value="#{alv.priceHour}" id="hour" required="true" >                 
        <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" />  

        <p:inputText value="#{alv.priceDay}" id="day" >                
        <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" />

        <p:inputText value="#{alv.priceWeek}" id="week" >                 
        <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" /> 

        <p:inputText value="#{alv.priceMonth}" id="month" >                   
        <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" /> 


    <p:messages />  


<p:commandButton value="Calculator" actionListener="#{myBean.priceCalc}" process="@this,alvs:hour" update="alvs" /> 

</h:form >

When I click the button nothing happens and the ui:repeat and the prices are not updated. 当我点击按钮时没有任何反应和ui:重复,价格没有更新。 What is wrong? 怎么了?
I tried also update"myForm:alvs" , update":myForm:alvs" : nothing! 我也试过更新“myForm:alvs”更新“:myForm:alvs” :什么都没有!
I'm using primefaces 3.5 我正在使用primefaces 3.5
Thanks in advance 提前致谢

ui:repeat is not a rendered component, so you won't see anything in HTML about it. ui:repeat不是渲染组件,因此您不会在HTML中看到任何关于它的内容。 You can't update something that is not rendered. 您无法更新未呈现的内容。 Also the ui:repeat doesn't even have an id attribute. ui:repeat甚至没有id属性。

You need to wrap your ui:repeat inside a component such as h:panelGroup for example like this : 你需要将你的ui:repeat包装在一个组件中,例如h:panelGroup ,例如:

<h:panelGroup id="alvs">
    <ui:repeat ...>

And update the panelgroup in your button : 并更新按钮中的面板组:

<p:commandButton value="Calculator" actionListener="#{myBean.priceCalc}" process="@this,alvs" update="alvs" />

Notice that I've removed the :hour since you can't spectify it, each IDs will be different for each repeat. 请注意,我已删除了:hour因为您无法对其进行说明,每次重复时每个ID都会有所不同。

More info : 更多信息 :

I had the same problem. 我有同样的问题。 The proposed answers didn't work for me: the ui:repeat doesn't want to be updated by ajax, whatever I do. 建议的答案对我不起作用:ui:repeat不希望被ajax更新,无论我做什么。 I used PrimeFaces data list instead and it worked like a charm. 我使用PrimeFaces数据列表,它就像一个魅力。

http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/data/dataList.xhtml http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/data/dataList.xhtml

I'm afraid I don't know the reason for it to not work, I hate when that kind of stuff happens to me working with JSF. 我担心我不知道它不起作用的原因,我讨厌当我使用JSF时遇到这种情况。 As I workaround, you can try surrounding the ui:repeat with a p:outputPanel and then update that panel. 当我解决方法时,您可以尝试围绕ui:repeat使用p:outputPanel ui:repeat ,然后更新该面板。

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