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[英]Generic method that accepts two types of List

I want to write a function that can accept two similar types. 我想编写一个可以接受两种相似类型的函数。 But not same. 但是不一样。

MyClassA {

MyClassB {

One method is same in these two. 这两种方法中的一种是相同的。 The function should accept list of any of these two types and I want to invoke abc() on objects in the list. 该函数应接受这两种类型中任何一种的列表,并且我想在列表中的对象上调用abc()。

This does not seem to help: 这似乎没有帮助:

    private <T> Set<MyclassX> createObject(List<T> classes) {

          Set<MyclassX> x;

          if ( T instanceof MyClassA)  {
               for ( MyClassA a : classes ) {
                    if (a.abc().equals("somethig")) {
                         x.add( t.abc());
           return x;

I don't even need to check instanceof . 我什至不需要检查instanceof I just need to iterate through the list and compare the values. 我只需要遍历列表并比较值即可。 if there is a match, then call the method abc() 如果有匹配项,则调用方法abc()

Just create a common interface and make MyClassA and MyClassB implement it: 只需创建一个通用接口并使MyClassA和MyClassB实现它:

interface MyClass {
    void abc();

I suggest you to use abstract super class like this: 我建议您使用这样的abstract super class

abstract SuperClass{
  abstract ab(); // Only if the other methods share signatures

MyClassA extends SuperClass {

MyClassB extends SuperClass{

private <T> Set<? extends SuperClass> createObject(List<T> classes) {

If you only want to iterate over a collection that contains instances of MyClassA and MyClassB , then call the method abc() on those instances. 如果只想遍历包含MyClassAMyClassB实例的集合,则在这些实例上调用方法abc() This can be work well with JPA because there is an annotation so called MappedSuperclass . 这可以与JPA一起很好地使用,因为有一个称为MappedSuperclass的注释。

This way you can decompose the same logic from descendant classes in a way that fits with your requirements and can be used with generics. 这样,您就可以以符合您的需求并可以与泛型一起使用的方式,从子孙类中分解相同的逻辑。 Here is a Hibernate example of how to use 这是一个如何使用的Hibernate示例

Using generics, you can do this: 使用泛型,您可以执行以下操作:

private <T> Set<MyclassX> createObject(List<T> classes) {
    Set<MyclassX> x;
    for ( T a : classes ) {
        if (a.abc().equals("somethig")) {
            x.add( t.abc());
return x;

Assuming that t.abc() returns a MyclassX . 假设t.abc()返回MyclassX (And I mean this literally, I'm not assuming that the X stands for something else.) (我的意思是从字面上看,我并不是假设X代表其他含义。)

Type information can be passed in as an argument 类型信息可以作为参数传递

<T> void method(Class<T> clazz, List<T> list)
        List<MyClassA> listA = (List<MyClassA>)list;
    else if...

A better solution is probably to convert a List<MyClassX> to a List<Abc> before passing it in 更好的解决方案可能是在将List<MyClassX>转换为List<Abc>之前将其转换为

interface ABC

void method(List<Abc> list)

the conversion is probably going to be easy in java8 在java8中转换可能会很容易

List<MyClassA> list1 = ...
method( list1.map( e->e.abc() ) );

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