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C ++运算符重载前缀/后缀

[英]C++ operator overloading prefix/suffix

I'm learning operator overloading in C++. 我正在学习C ++中的运算符重载。 The original suffix ++ has the property that it has lower precedence than the assignment operator. 原始后缀++具有比赋值运算符优先级低的属性。 So for example, int i=0, j=0; i=j++; cout<<i<<j 因此,例如int i=0, j=0; i=j++; cout<<i<<j int i=0, j=0; i=j++; cout<<i<<j int i=0, j=0; i=j++; cout<<i<<j will output 01. But this property seems to be lost when I overload the postfix ++. int i=0, j=0; i=j++; cout<<i<<j将输出01。但是当我重载postfix ++时,此属性似乎丢失了。

using namespace std;

class V
    int vec[2];
    V(int a0, int a1)
    V operator++(int dummy)
        for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
        V v(vec[0],vec[1]);
        return v;
    V operator=(V other)
        return *this;
    void print()
        cout << "(" << vec[0] << ", " << vec[1] << ")" << endl;

int main(void)
    V v1(0,0), v2(1,1);


outputs (0,0)(2,2) while I expected (0,0)(1,1). 输出(0,0)(2,2)而我期望(0,0)(1,1)

Can you help me understand why it's like this, and any possibility of restoring the original property? 您能帮助我理解为什么会这样,以及恢复原始财产的任何可能性吗?

It prints (0,0)(2,2) because your operator ++ , unlike the built-in one, returns a copy of the V object it acts upon after incrementing it, rather than before. 之所以打印(0,0)(2,2)是因为您的运算符++与内置的++不同,它会递增操作而不是之前返回它所作用的V对象的副本。

This is completely under your control when you overload an operator, so it is your responsibility to make it behave like the corresponding built-in operator in this respect. 重载运算符时,这完全在您的控制之下,因此,在这方面,有责任使其像相应的内置运算符一样工作。

This is how you could rewrite your operator to achieve that goal: 这是您可以重写操作员以实现该目标的方式:

V operator++(int dummy)
    V v(vec[0],vec[1]); // Make a copy before incrementing: we'll return this!
    for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
    return v; // Now this is *not* a copy of the incremented V object,
              // but rather a copy of the V object before incrementing!

Here is a live example . 这是一个生动的例子

You need to make a copy of vec[0] and vec[1] before you increment them, not after. 您需要在增加vec[0]vec[1]之前而不是之后复制它们。 That way return v will return the original values rather than the incremented ones. 这样, return v将返回原始值,而不是递增的值。

V operator++(int dummy)
    V v(vec[0],vec[1]);
    for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
    return v;

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