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[英]Paypal API , credit card to multiple receivers

I am working on a mobile app , where a buyer needs to purchase products from multiple sellers, through credit card purchase. 我正在开发一个移动应用程序,买家需要通过信用卡购买从多个卖家那里购买产品。 So basically I need paypal API , for transferring money to multiple receivers paypal account from the credit card information of the buyer. 因此,基本上,我需要使用paypal API,以便从买家的信用卡信息中将资金转移到多个接收者的paypal帐户。 I know there is a MassPay API, but that uses the API signature of the account, and I have the credit card information of the buyer and from there I want to pay to multiple sellers. 我知道有一个MassPay API,但是使用帐户的API签名,并且我拥有买家的信用卡信息,并且我想从那里向多个卖家付款。 Paypal Documentation is no worth at all , confusing and cheap , and I am stucked . 贝宝(Paypal)文档毫无价值,令人困惑且便宜,我被束缚了。 Please help me , and provide me the exact way , not just a paypal documentation link , if you have anything for me. 如果您有什么需要的,请帮助我,并提供确切的方法,而不仅仅是贝宝的文档链接。 I'm stucked .. :( 我被卡住了.. :(

PayPal doesn't have any API calls for sending credit card payments to multiple receivers. PayPal没有用于将信用卡付款发送给多个接收者的任何API调用。 Through Chained or Parallel Payments you can send PayPal payments to several people. 通过链式或并行付款,您可以将PayPal付款发送给多个人。 The buyer would be required to go to the PayPal checkout page though. 但是,买家将被要求转到PayPal结帐页面。

If you want to learn more about Adaptive Payments you can check this guide: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIntro/ 如果您想了解有关自适应支付的更多信息,可以查看以下指南: https : //developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIntro/

Or I can help you out. 或者我可以帮你。

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