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$ http.jsonp请求被取消

[英]$http.jsonp requests are gettings canceled

I swear this was working earlier, took a break, and now its not working again... 我发誓这早些起作用了,休息了一会儿,现在它又不起作用了...

I'm building an AngularJS app that connects to a custom public REST api I've created with Salesforce. 我正在构建一个AngularJS应用,该应用将连接到我使用Salesforce创建的自定义公共REST api。 I've tested the REST api via curl and apigee.com and the data is being returned properly. 我已经通过curl和apigee.com测试了REST api,并且已正确返回数据。 The problem occurs when I attempt to call the same endpoint via Angulars $http.jsonp() method. 当我尝试通过Angulars $ http.jsonp()方法调用同一终结点时,会发生问题。 When I attempt to do this the request is canceled, according to Chromes Network monitor. 根据Chromes网络监视器的说法,当我尝试执行此操作时,该请求被取消。

Angular Factory: 角工厂:

angular.module('SalesforceService', [], function($provide){

    $provide.factory('$salesforce', function($http, $q){

        return {
            login: function(email, password){

                var endpoint  = 'https://merchant.dev1.cs15.force.com/freelance/services/apexrest/FreelanceService?name=Jonathan&callback=JSON_CALLBACK';
                var deferred = $q.defer();

                console.log('...calling salesforce...');
                    console.log('--SALESFORCE RESPONSE:');

                }).error(function(data, status, headers, config){
                    console.log('---SALESFORCE ERROR:');

                    deferred.reject('An error occurred when attempting to login.');

                return deferred.promise;



I then call this service in one of my controllers via $salesforce.login()... 然后,我通过$ salesforce.login()在我的一个控制器中调用此服务...

Custom Salesforce REST Class: 自定义Salesforce REST类:

global class FreelanceService 
    global class TestObject{
        public String message;

        public TestObject(String message){
            this.message = message;

    global static void goGet()
        String name = RestContext.request.params.get('name');

        TestObject o = new TestObject('Hello ' + name);

        RestContext.response.addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        RestContext.response.responseBody = formatResponse(o);

    public static blob formatResponse(TestObject obj)
        //instantiate string to be returned
        String response;

        //get callback parameter from url
        String callback = RestContext.request.params.get('callback');

        //return JSON wrapped in function if a callback parameter exists
            response = callback + '('+JSON.serialize(obj)+')';
            response = JSON.serialize(obj);

        return blob.valueOf(response);

For the life of me I cannot figure out why this isn't working... Any ideas? 对于我的一生,我无法弄清楚为什么这行不通...有什么想法吗?

Turns out because the Salesforce REST service was being served from a Sandbox instead of Production, Chrome was automatically canceling the request because of a certificate name mismatch error. 原来是因为从沙箱而不是生产服务器提供了Salesforce REST服务,所以Chrome由于证书名称不匹配错误而自动取消了请求。

From the Salesforce Sites Implementation Guide: 从《 Salesforce网站实施指南》中:

Only production organizations have the valid secure.force.com SSL certificates to access sites using HTTPS. 只有生产组织才具有有效的secure.force.com SSL证书,可以使用HTTPS访问网站。 Note: If a site within a sandbox (non-production) organization is accessed using HTTPS, a certificate name mismatch warning may appear 注意:如果使用HTTPS访问沙箱(非生产)组织中的站点,则可能会出现证书名称不匹配警告

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